Seti Refuge Bar & Bistro Wing of Cafe Einstein

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RE: Let me hit this block


Let me hit this block on your chest with the
back of an axe, what could go wrong?



If that had been me wielding the axe, the business end would have dropped off, embedded itself in my skull, and required some awkward explanations from me in A&E.

Hello everyone! :)

How are you a-... oooooooooooooooooooooooh.... that does look sore, David. Have you tried shoving it in a roomy box? Your hand I mean, and taping that securely to the nearest wrist? Not your hand obviously because that would already be attached, but the box it's in. It might require some assistance from a qualified medical professional or you could end up quite tangled in the tape... but it would save it getting knocked about, and give it some undisturbed healing time. The alternative would be to keep your finger extended at all times, you know... so it's out of harm's way :)

*subtly switch focus back to anniet* Thought I'd pop in here (before visiting seti, less catching up to do) and use up my RAC before it disappears... so I can tell you all how very much I've missed you all *demonstrate how much with face*

I will be attempting to inflate it to something more robust though, my RAC people, not my face - yes :) but the depravity the computer is intent on indulging in, and the fact I sooooooooooo don't want to kill another machine in my charge and get permanently cut off mid-sentence (and/or never get to read any of my PM's let alone reply to them) *pause to admire length of sentence already* I'm not going to do so now. Okay?

Oh... and on a technical note... am I supposed to open a new thread once this one reaches 500? Because I didn't.


Is so nice to be back!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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Dr Bacon (Ship My Plants Department)
Dr Bacon (Ship ...
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Hooray! Annies back! :)

Hooray! Annies back! :)

Annie minion :)



Einstein@Home Verified Contributor (I think?) 

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Welcome back Annie!!!!! :-)

Welcome back Annie!!!!! :-)

Have TARDIS, will travel...
Come along K-9!
Join SETI Refugees

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Hello Annie!

Hello Annie!

Dr Bacon (Ship My Plants Department)
Dr Bacon (Ship ...
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RE: Let me hit this block


Let me hit this block on your chest with the
back of an axe, what could go wrong?


Oh lol :)

Annie minion :)



Einstein@Home Verified Contributor (I think?) 

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Well stab me with a scalpel

Well stab me with a scalpel and hold me down with a retractor, Annie's back ! :-))

Knees buckle, I slump to floor and lie prostate prostrate in front of her x-ray radiant eminence ( she sees all ). She is the alpha ( female ) and omega ( fatty acid ), she is the cause and the cure of all ailments ..... it is ANNINNIIINNIIIEEE .... wooo woooo woooo plonk -> unconsiousnessness ( back later ). ;-)

Cheers, Mike.

( edit ) 'on a technical note' : we prefer actual currency of the realm or in lieu, a good prolonged shout. I'm blathering. Woke up on a Sunday morning and BAM ! Annie turns up. Out of the blue. From the other side of the world. Via the Internet. I'm still reeling. Hang on. I've already done that. I'm feeling feint. Hang on. I've already done that too. Oh my Perspicacious Possum ! That Celtic witch pristine deity hath returned. I need a lie down. Hang on. Plop. Smack. Thud. Unconsionablenessness ....

( edit ) Sunday ? It's Monday you moron ... oh dear, that's me done for the week then ..... I really should stop trying to sit up ....

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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RE: Is so nice to be

Is so nice to be back!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Hi Annie !

Glad you are back !


Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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My, my. What a day ! I've had

My, my. What a day ! I've had either too much, or not enough, of the vapours! Specifically the vapours of this :

... would someone kindly open it for me and thoroughly test it to see if it is safe for me to get drunk on imbibe ?

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
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A N N I E E E E E ! !

A N N I E E E E E ! ! !

'ello sweetheart, gosh we have missed you! In your absence I have kept the assembled throng in various places vaguely updated as to whether you are still on the planet. But so much nicer to hear it from the Lady herself.

I trust you are taking steps (oooh vague pun folks ...) to avoid treading on any more planks with rusty nails?*

As to your depraved computer, the mind biggles I mean boggles. The other chap flew camels and they spit in your eye at ten paces.

Don't worry about the 500 posts in a thread. That old nonsense was started over in Seti because they said there were still some people living in the middle of nowhere with dial up networking. Einsteinians are rather more modernised in their computing activities, but our vapourous leader may be able to suggest a suitable figure (in $AUD of course) that would be acceptable to their infrastructure.

I'll contact you separately regarding computer woes.

Gosh, it is good to see you, I have quite a spring in my step! Must have been that local river I paddled across to get here.

*Message from your local A&E say they would be very grateful if you could make them clean nails next time and please, no axe heads. Oh and p.s. your annual A&E season ticket needs renewing.

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Joined: 6 Feb 14
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:))) Awww. :) Thank you


Awww. :) Thank you for such a lovely welcome back everyone. I would have been here a little sooner to say that but I brushed up on my crawling around the floor talking to BT broadband support instead.

My hub decided it didn't approve of the password assigned to it. It demanded instead, the password it had assigned to it. Yeeees. Precisely the kind of looped logic trap I appreciate at one in the morning.

*drop gaze on foot*

I try not to spend too much time thinking about the justice of a council bin collection late in the day on the 6th of January, leaving me with a gaping hole in my perimeter fencing so a drunk can stagger through it and urinate in my pond in the early hours of the 7th of January (thus galvanising me into effecting an immediate blockade inspirationally topped off with a good idea to secure its steadfastness with a bag of solidified cement) as being why I should be the one attached to the end of a six foot plank by a 9 inch barbed shank nail that not only goes into a foot that was quietly minding its own business in its trainer, but also comes out the other side.

Contemplating how to follow what I know about foreign bodies and their first aid guidelines - then weighing that against the two options they left me:
1 - bellow like a stuck pig till I had an audience who could then watch me and the whole plank get loaded into an ambulance, or watch the fire service saw me down to a more manageable size first, (all whilst trending on international social media) or;
2 - discretely wrestle myself and my plank inside the house to dial 999 and ask for a carpenter to attend first.

Which is why I went for the third option and pulled my foot off its moorings so I could hobble indoors without them and finish decorating my niece's baby shower cake for the following day.

Which is also why it turned into a balloon and the surgery it required was delayed till my birthday the following week. The foot... not the cake. That had been eaten by then.

It's fine now :)

edited for some ambiguities that suggested I'd left my foot outside

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