Project daemons
Program | Host | Status |
Scheduler | einstein10 | Running |
Feeder | einstein10 | Running |
Transitioner | einstein10 | Running |
DB purger | einstein4 | Running |
Scheduler log publisher | einstein10 | Running |
file upload handler medium | einstein3 | Running |
file upload handler large | einstein3 | Running |
file upload handler medium | einstein4 | Running |
file upload handler large | einstein4 | Running |
file upload handler medium | einstein5 | Running |
file upload handler large | einstein5 | Running |
file upload handler medium | einstein12 | Running |
file upload handler large | einstein12 | Running |
FGRP5 work generator | einstein4 | Running |
FGRP5 validator | einstein4 | Running |
FGRP5 assimilator | einstein4 | Running |
FGRP5 file deleter | einstein4 | Running |
FGRPB1G work generator | einstein4 | Not Running |
FGRPB1G validator | einstein4 | Running |
FGRPB1G validator | einstein5 | Running |
FGRPB1G assimilator | einstein4 | Running |
FGRPB1G assimilator | einstein5 | Running |
FGRPB1G file deleter | einstein4 | Running |
FGRPB1G file deleter | einstein5 | Running |
BRP4 work generator | einstein4 | Running |
BRP4 validator | einstein4 | Running |
BRP4 assimilator | einstein4 | Running |
BRP4 file deleter | einstein4 | Running |
BRP4 e6 file deleter | einstein4 | Running |
wugcontrol | einstein4 | Running |
BRP4A validator | einstein4 | Running |
BRP4A assimilator | einstein4 | Running |
BRP4A file deleter | einstein4 | Running |
BRP4G work generator | einstein4 | Disabled |
BRP4G validator | einstein4 | Running |
BRP4G assimilator | einstein4 | Running |
BRP4G file deleter | einstein4 | Running |
BRP4G e6 file deleter | einstein4 | Running |
wugcontrol | einstein5 | Disabled |
wugcontrol | einstein5 | Running |
BRP7both validator | einstein3 | Running |
BRP7 assimilator | einstein3 | Running |
BRP7 file deleter | einstein3 | Running |
BRP7both validator | einstein5 | Running |
BRP7 assimilator | einstein5 | Running |
BRP7 file deleter | einstein5 | Running |
O3ASHF1d work generator | einstein5 | Running |
O3ASHF1d validator | einstein3 | Running |
O3ASHF1d2 validator | einstein3 | Running |
O3ASHF1 assimilator | einstein3 | Running |
O3ASHF1a assimilator | einstein3 | Running |
O3AS file deleter | einstein3 | Running |
Running: |
Program is operating normally |
Not Running: |
Program failed or ran out of work
(or the project is down) |
Disabled: |
Program has been disabled by staff
(for debugging/maintenance) |
Workunits and tasks
Work |
FGRP5 | BRP7 | BRP4A | O3AS | BRP4 | BRP4G | FGRPB1G | Total |
Tasks total |
1,398,386 |
688,022 |
438,192 |
505,099 |
270,579 |
3,070 |
6 |
3,303,354 |
Tasks to send |
4,555 |
65,770 |
10,291 |
203 |
9,063 |
0 |
0 |
89,882 |
Tasks in progress |
431,081 |
141,385 |
80,398 |
81,551 |
40,730 |
68 |
0 |
775,213 |
Tasks valid |
705,593 |
315,378 |
263,505 |
342,496 |
125,554 |
1,575 |
4 |
1,754,105 |
Tasks invalid |
1,178 |
13,401 |
5,493 |
825 |
35,258 |
1 |
1 |
56,157 |
Tasks inconclusive |
1,186 |
11,579 |
3,468 |
248 |
28,662 |
0 |
0 |
45,143 |
Tasks pending |
99,617 |
95,782 |
47,675 |
47,156 |
20,132 |
348 |
0 |
310,710 |
Tasks failed |
131,126 |
39,954 |
25,700 |
25,182 |
7,495 |
366 |
1 |
229,824 |
Tasks too late |
2,533 |
113 |
91 |
289 |
46 |
315 |
0 |
3,387 |
Workunits total |
971,269 |
311,905 |
201,775 |
235,552 |
106,801 |
1,226 |
0 |
1,828,528 |
Workunits without canonical result |
398,644 |
154,300 |
70,024 |
64,480 |
43,312 |
360 |
0 |
731,120 |
| | | | | | | | |
Computing |
BRP7 |
O3AS |
BRP4 |
Total |
CPU TFLOPS (from successful tasks last week) |
8,490 |
83 |
83 |
499 |
583 |
0 |
0 |
9,739 |
CPU weeks (from successful tasks last week) |
23,959 |
329 |
138 |
1,200 |
3,143 |
93 |
0 |
28,862 |
Granted credit / 100 (from successful tasks last week) |
4,574,246 |
9,029,030 |
156,894 |
32,239,600 |
72,699 |
4,925 |
0 |
46,077,394 |
Workunits finished last week |
572,192 |
157,595 |
131,755 |
171,073 |
63,355 |
865 |
0 |
1,096,835 |
| | | | | | | | |
Backlogs |
BRP7 |
O3AS |
BRP4 |
Total |
Workunits waiting for validation |
2 |
3 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
9 |
Workunits waiting for assimilation |
0 |
0 |
4 |
4 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
9 |
Workunits waiting for file deletion |
8 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
9 |
Tasks waiting for file deletion |
9 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
11 |
Backlogs | Delay |
BOINC replica behind master | 0s | Web replica behind master | 0s | Transitioner backlog | 0s |
| |
Participants | |
Participants | 1,051,565 |
Participants with credit | 495,067 |
Participants registered in past 24h | 13 |
Participants active last two weeks | 14,714 |
| |
Host computers | |
Hosts | 8,168,226 |
Hosts registered in past 24h | 101 |
Hosts with credit | 2,081,111 |
Hosts active last two weeks | 28,626 |
CPU cores of active hosts | 328,981 |
| |
GPU productivity (last 7 days) | |
Hosts w/ ATI/AMD GPU | 2,922 |
Hosts w/ NVIDIA GPU | 7,496 |
Hosts w/ INTEL HD GPU | 7,411 |
Hosts w/ Apple M GPU | 706 |
Validating hosts w/ ATI/AMD GPU | 1,596 |
Validating hosts w/ NVIDIA GPU | 6,541 |
Validating hosts w/ INTEL GPU | 1,615 |
Validating hosts w/ Apple M GPU | 522 |
Avg daily valid results (ATI/AMD) | 17,056 |
Avg daily valid results (NVIDIA) | 54,453 |
Avg daily valid results (INTEL) | 7,551 |
Avg daily valid results (Apple M) | 35,610 |
Avg daily credit (ATI/AMD) | 112,448,047 |
Avg daily credit (NVIDIA) | 269,280,933 |
Avg daily credit (INTEL) | 7,837,086 |
Avg daily credit (Apple M) | 2,225,616 |
| |
Computing capacity | |
Floating point speed
(from recent average credit of all users)
| 9739.1 TFLOPS |
O3ASHF1d search progress
Total WUs | WUs left | WUs last day | days left |
20,688,308 | 272,967 | 35,931 | 8 |
FGRP5 search progress
Total needed |
Already done |
Work still remaining |
181,837,286 units | 118,194,170 units | 63,643,116 units |
3148.2 days | 2591.8 days | 556.4 days (estimated) |
done per day (averaged over 5 d): 114,384 units |
FGRPB1G search progress
Total needed |
Already done |
Work still remaining |
173,311,242 units | 173,311,242 units | 0 units |
NaN days | 2822.9 days | NaN days (estimated) |
done per day (averaged over 5 d): 0 units |
BRP4 search progress
| Total WUs | WUs left | WUs last day | days left |
22,031,744 | 975,520 | 0 | 1 |
Arecibo |
301,396,511 | 37,099,792 | 12,718 | 2917 |
BRP7 search progress
| Total WUs | WUs left | WUs last day | days left |
old |
10,581,255 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
dns |
49,816,800 | 27,928,403 | 32,976 | 847 |