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Some users may be running their GPUs under some sort of power limiting. I's difficult to compare run times unless...
7th May 2020
Meaning of that 27% limit in practise has been unclear to me too. What does that limit matter if AMD cards also load...
5th May 2020
I'm not trying to process GW tasks on a GPU with only 2GB ram. I was just wondering if this current situation is the final...
5th May 2020
The scheduler is still wildly sending too large tasks to 2GB Nvidia cards that are not able to process them. I wonder if...
5th May 2020
Hi ! NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (1536MB) driver: 431.07 Ihre GPU verfügt nicht über genügend Speicher, um GW GPU Arbeit...
20th April 2020