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Yeah it looks like 309 Hz with 0.35 DF works well for your card now even if they were v2.07 tasks. The few recent tasks...
19th September 2020
Dr_Mabuse wrote:indeed, I have a CPU with 4 processors and BOINC is limited to 3 of them + NVIDIA. I run a lot of other...
16th September 2020
Hi ! Stderr output of that failed task includes this text: "Processing FFT failed: CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE...
16th September 2020
You may have been running tasks from "Gamma-ray pulsar binary search #1 on GPUs" last year. Your GPU has tried to run only...
12th September 2020
I've got a few of 0.40 DF tasks from the Donald Duck series (313 Hz) with issue numbers of about 890-1010. AMD RX 580,...
6th September 2020