Richie commented on GW GPU O2MDFS2_Spotlight work
I forgot that I was actually running these with -50% power limit. I will need to see today what the runtimes will be...
20th August 2020
Richie commented on GW GPU O2MDFS2_Spotlight work
vsral wrote:Are my settings of or why could this be? My GPU is doing two at a time
Your runtimes are normal for that...
20th August 2020
Richie commented on GW GPU O2MDFS2_Spotlight work
Peter Hucker wrote:Could it be the first card has a newer instruction set?
Previous batch of GW GPU tasks didn't work...
20th August 2020
Richie commented on GW GPU O2MDFS2_Spotlight work
Looking at the server status page, doesn't look too good so far what comes to valids vs invalids.
19th August 2020
Richie commented on Help! Are my GPU cards starting to fail?
Your GTX 760 cards have 2GB memory. That is not enough for many of the new GW tasks. That's why they keep crashing. 4GB...
8th May 2020
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