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Richie commented on GPU not used
I've encountered in the past that 0.2 for GPU usage didn't give 5 concurrent tasks, but 0.19 gave.
4th September 2020
Bernd Machenschalk wrote:There is now a new Beta tes app version 2.09 I'm receiving that only for AMD cards (for...
3rd September 2020
Richie commented on Boinc 7.16.11
There is 7.16.11 (development version) also for Windows x64 now.
3rd September 2020
Richie started discussion Boinc 7.16.11
Howdy! A new version for Linux. The Boinc self-existentialistic-check will experience it as 7.16.10 https://launchpad....
3rd September 2020
Richie commented on Boinc 7.16.11
MarkJ wrote:There is a 7.16.11 to fix issues with the project list coming up blank. Thanks for that info. Gianfranco...
1st September 2020