Gravitational Wave search O2 Multi-Directional GPU v2.07 (GW-opencl-nvidia) windows_x86_64

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Topic 222051


seit einigen Tagen bekomme ich die o. a. WUs auf einem meiner Rechner. Diese brechen jedoch nach ca 1 Minute ab:

(unknown error) - exit code 1024 (0x400)</message>


DEPRECATION WARNING: program has invoked obsolete function XLALGetVersionString(). Please see XLALVCSInfoString() for information about a replacement.
Code-version: %% LAL: (CLEAN 98bbe72a728eb25935e9195dafae691335dabf8c)
%% LALPulsar: (CLEAN 98bbe72a728eb25935e9195dafae691335dabf8c)
%% LALApps: (CLEAN 98bbe72a728eb25935e9195dafae691335dabf8c)

Was will mir diese Meldung sagen? Was kann bzw. muss ich tun? Beispiel:

Name: h1_1352.45_O2C02Cl4In0__O2MDFV2g_VelaJr1_1352.90Hz_114_0

Job ID: 451124732


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Hi ! NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660

Hi !

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (1536MB) driver: 431.07

Ihre GPU verfügt nicht über genügend Speicher, um GW GPU Arbeit auszuführen. 4 GB sind bereits erforderlich. FGRPB1G wird gut funktionieren.

Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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Processing FFT failed:



you do not have enough memory on that card.


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Hi,vielen Dank für die


vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort - wie kann ich verhindern, dass ich diese WUs erhalte?


Gamma-ray pulsar binary search #1 on GPUs v1.22 (FGRPopencl-nvidia)
Gamma-ray pulsar search #5 v1.08 (FGRPSSE)

laufen auf meinen Rechnern problemlos.

 Sorry, hab's schon gefunden!

Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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uncheck them from your

uncheck them from your project preferences.



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Binary Radio Pulsar Search

Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo, GPU) has been out of tasks for a long time now, no need to try and get those.

Gamma-Ray pulsar binary Search #1 (GPU), (also known as FGRPB1G) has task readily available. Wink

Luigi Naruszewicz
Luigi Naruszewicz
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Since the weekend I have been

Since the weekend I have been having computation errors GPU Gravitational Wave Search units. This error report that I am getting.

Stderr output

The target internal file identifier is incorrect.
 (0x72) - exit code 114 (0x72)</message>
putenv 'LAL_DEBUG_LEVEL=3'
2020-04-20 16:33:17.4056 (10652) [normal]: This program is published under the GNU General Public License, version 2
2020-04-20 16:33:17.4056 (10652) [normal]: For details see
2020-04-20 16:33:17.4056 (10652) [normal]: This Einstein@home App was built at: Dec 19 2019 12:14:49

2020-04-20 16:33:17.4212 (10652) [normal]: Start of BOINC application 'projects/'.
Activated exception handling...
[DEBUG} GPU type: 1
[DEBUG} got GPU info from BOINC
[DEBUG} got VendorID 4318
2020-04-20 16:33:17.4681 (10652) [debug]: BSGL output files
2020-04-20 16:33:17.4994 (10652) [debug]: Flags: LAL_DEBUG, OPTIMIZE, HS_OPTIMIZATION, GC_SSE2_OPT, X64, SSE, SSE2, GNUC X86 GNUX86
2020-04-20 16:33:17.6712 (10652) [debug]: Set up communication with graphics process.

DEPRECATION WARNING: program has invoked obsolete function XLALGetVersionString(). Please see XLALVCSInfoString() for information about a replacement.
Code-version: %% LAL: (CLEAN 98bbe72a728eb25935e9195dafae691335dabf8c)
%% LALPulsar: (CLEAN 98bbe72a728eb25935e9195dafae691335dabf8c)
%% LALApps: (CLEAN 98bbe72a728eb25935e9195dafae691335dabf8c)

Updated to latest BOINC client and latest NVidea drivers with no effect. The change my computer was the Microsoft windows update on Tuesday.

Is the problem at my end or with the units ?


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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Luigi Naruszewicz wrote:Is

Luigi Naruszewicz wrote:
Is the problem at my end or with the units ?

The problem is that your 2GB GPU doesn't have enough memory to crunch the latest VelaJr1 GW tasks.

You didn't quite go far enough into the stderr output.  I picked one of your failed tasks and here is the critical bit that explains the cause of the problem:-

Transferring host memory to GPU failed: CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE

Until we get to GW GPU tasks that require less memory, your best bet is to change preferences so that you only accept the FGRPB1G tasks.  You will have no similar problem with them.


Luigi Naruszewicz
Luigi Naruszewicz
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Thanks Gary, changed my

Thanks Gary, changed my preferences and will abandon the GW tasks that I have. Apologies to wingmen.


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Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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All of the computers that are

All of the computers that are throwing errors do not have enough GPU memory for processing of GW work. 

it seems you need at least a 4GB GPU.  


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