Information about the new S5 workunits

Metod, S56RKO
Metod, S56RKO
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RE: So, if you were to

Message 37627 in response to message 37607


So, if you were to rephrase the quoted statement, would it be that your granted credit has now in fact declined? perhaps that's not quite so eye-catching as saying that claimed credit has risen :). It's really only what happens to granted credit that is likely to engender some "discussion" :).

My question is not meant to inflame or criticise. I'm simply curious as to what happened to your granted credit? I can well imagine that your claimed credit has risen the way you mention since you were so heavily underclaiming previously :).

If you take the gist of [edit] section of my post, you'll see that I don't care about granted nor claimed credits. I'm just happy to participate in a project I strongly believe to have good chances to get some meaningful result.

Metod ...

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The question of WU length

The question of WU length while it may be a problem for some, you can get used to it.
I run both Einstein and QMC on my AMD Opteron 275 with Linux, normal Einstein WUs took about 4 hours, changed to Beta WUs that took 2 hours 21 min and this was fine till today (19th) when got error message that I had to remove the "app_info.xml" file if I wanted any more work from Einstein.
So I removed the file and rebooted to get it to download new work, this gave me Einstein S5 WUs and a single Albert 4.40 WU (don't know where he came from).
The S5 units are estimating to take 10 hours 44 min, this may be long but QMC WUs take estimated 12 hours 10 min (but usually complete in 9 hours 30 min).
I still get through a number of QMC WUs and will do the same with Einstein, I just wont be able to monitor as much as before as not much will be happening.
I will learn to love the science and dream of the credits.

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RE: Whew! Can't take any

Message 37629 in response to message 37619

Whew! Can't take any time off around here! :-)
So we've been around the credit garden again, I see! :-)
Anyhows, it's real good to know that we are into real serious data now, team, as the S5 is from the LIGO's operating at design spec!
So let's get enthused, excited and a-quiver by thinking of the ( historic ) waves just lurking in those downloads!
I just know one of my boxes will nail one....... :-)
Cheers, Mike.

I totaly agree with that. Many of you better read the S3-Analysis report on the main page, get some facts and quickly forget all this credit-stuff. :)

But one Question to the team:
in the report its said that after the detector now runs 1 year at its design sensibility its upgraded / replaces by a 10 time more sensible detector. Is it planned that the data of that detector is also worked on with einstein@home or are there other plans or maybe no plans at all at this point of time?

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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Einstein@Home is currently

Einstein@Home is currently analyzing only the data from S5 that has been captured so far (i.e. 'til May). The S5 science run ist still going on, and the current Einstein@Home analysis run S5R1 will probably be followed by another one covering the whole data of S5.

Further into the future the crystal ball becomes cloudy, but I think that as long as the projects lasts, it will be dedicated to analyzing data from ground-based gravitational wave detectors, and maybe LISA in the far future.



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RE: I totaly agree with

Message 37631 in response to message 37629


I totaly agree with that. Many of you better read the S3-Analysis report on the main page, get some facts and quickly forget all this credit-stuff. :)

But can YOU equally accept that I have absolutely NO interest AT ALL in what this programme does or does not discover?
I do not wish to be contentious - but I could not give a fig what this programme is. I am here purely and simply for the fun of COMPETING. ERGO I need to have an incentive. RAC and cobblestones are that incentive.
Now if you do not like that attitude, then I can quite easily spare my very valuable equipment and take it elsewhere, or shut it down completely ... and fgorget my competition. I would suggest that it would be the Programme that would suffer.
So come on you chaps who order these things ... make the participation in the programme worth the time and investment.

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Bernd, thanks for update and

Bernd, thanks for update and keeping the post on topic.

Bruce Allen
Bruce Allen
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RE: So I removed the file

Message 37633 in response to message 37628

So I removed the file and rebooted to get it to download new work, this gave me Einstein S5 WUs and a single Albert 4.40 WU (don't know where he came from).

Until the S4 work that is 'in the pipeline' is finshed, there will still be some S4 work in progress. If you look at the server status page you can keep track of how many S4 workunits are still 'in progress'. Roughly speaking this number will decrease by 60 or 70 percent each week.


Director, Einstein@Home

Bruce Allen
Bruce Allen
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RE: But one Question to the

Message 37634 in response to message 37629

But one Question to the team:
in the report its said that after the detector now runs 1 year at its design sensibility its upgraded / replaces by a 10 time more sensible detector. Is it planned that the data of that detector is also worked on with einstein@home or are there other plans or maybe no plans at all at this point of time?

It's fair to say that there are no detailed plans at this time. But Einstein@Home is the largest computing resource in the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. So I expect that we'll be making use of it when we have advanced LIGO data to analyze. But that won't be until fairly well into the next decade.


Director, Einstein@Home

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RE: So I expect that we'll

Message 37635 in response to message 37634

So I expect that we'll be making use of it when we have advanced LIGO data to analyze. But that won't be until fairly well into the next decade.
Cheers, Bruce

Oh dear! ... Oh dear, oh dear!! Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!!!
Being well well past my prime, that statement fills me with less (or do I mean MORE) than gloom!
I will be happy to see the turn of the decade! ... I wonder if these machines will just keep on crunching if (and when) I am no longer here?
(They did OK last weekend!)

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: But can YOU equally

Message 37636 in response to message 37631


But can YOU equally accept that I have absolutely NO interest AT ALL in what this programme does or does not discover?
I do not wish to be contentious - but I could not give a fig what this programme is. I am here purely and simply for the fun of COMPETING. ERGO I need to have an incentive. RAC and cobblestones are that incentive.
Now if you do not like that attitude, then I can quite easily spare my very valuable equipment and take it elsewhere, or shut it down completely ... and fgorget my competition. I would suggest that it would be the Programme that would suffer.
So come on you chaps who order these things ... make the participation in the programme worth the time and investment.

Hello Bodley! :-)
The brilliant thing about this credit thing is that it is not a dialectic choice! You are right. The competitive mechanism can indeed induce people to contribute regardless of details of motivation. Indeed each of us has a personal flavour of impetus for being here, and the technical result is bland to this. There is not, nor should there be perceived to be, any moral high ground here. I feel that as we engage this common activity, we could also celebrate each other's participation regardless of the path(s) leading to it. In fact alot of contributors do identify fun, or some variant of it, as their reward. I know I do! It is possible that we can all have fun, however defined. :-)
As I've said before, I don't care about credit except as a benchmark for progress. I'm evidently a science nut. But I care that you care about credit though! By helping others engage in their projects we can all win. I don't decry other projects either.
Actually I reckon distributed computing would form a fascinating topic for some sociology research, if it hasn't already!
Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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