Information about the new S5 workunits

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RE: Is this some sinister

Message 37597 in response to message 37594


Is this some sinister diabolic plot on the part of those running DC projects to get us credit junkies to run out and buy bigger and faster computers? And/or buy the latest and slickest compiler and spent dozens of hours for nothing compiling faster science apps?

At the moment, both Seti and Einstein are on “No more work�. I’m just trying to decide if I should highlight the BOINC directory and hit DELETE.


You dont seem to get that you can't buy anything from the credits you get here and when you get less credits now - whats the difference? If your not interestid in the science and dont want to help for that (whats the main goal of this project) but only want to get many credits and then.. hm... feel cool because you have so much? dont know.
then you're right and should better quit or think about why you are doing this. Your're right the credit drop maybe is a bit heavy but thats not the most important thing.

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RE: RE: Since you decided

Message 37598 in response to message 37596


Since you decided to step up to the plate... z1_1359.0__215_S4R2a
Yes, you were paired up with really low scoring partners but they were unable to use an Akos client. So they had to wait 4 days for your computer to report that it was GUI aborted and now have to wait another 6 days (avg.) for the 4th participant to finish and report. The other 2 have no choice in the matter to satisfy your 35 credit minimum.

In this example we have 1 that is using a trux calibrating client with an Akos application but unfortunately fell short of your 35 credit minimum. At least they only had to wait 6 or so days to receive their due.

The reason for my previous post was to point out the 'credit hunting' aspect of dumping units will become a nil point for the S5. Well, at least until the S4 wunits completely run out. Until then I'm sure some will be dumping S5 units that are received mixed in with the S4 to maximize their credit. But hey, the wu's will get sent back out sometime...

I don't feel ashamed. On that 15th I had to change strategy. It was last time that S4-units were aborted because even paired with lowscoring machines will bring more credits than S5. It is the last chance to get (reasonable) credit. When only S5-units will be spread RAC of some windowsmachines will be a fourth than before while RAC of most linuxboxes (specially that 600 dualcoreboxes of Bruce) will rise. Windows and linux are now comparable fast. Same credit for the same unit that is o.k. If there will be no processorspecific or other optimisations I will switch my machine to linux.

I totally understand your view point. I don't agree with it as you too disagree with mine. I remember the mainly team thread postings concerning Bruce's boxes. We've both stated our view points on this matter and that's good ... it's also good to see that your willing to switch to Linux for your goals instead of pulling out of Einstein.

Wish you a sunny sunday, faeshn

Thanks, I hope have the same.

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Hi Franz, RE: Is this

Message 37599 in response to message 37594

Hi Franz,

Is this some sinister diabolic plot on the part of those running DC projects to get us credit junkies to run out and buy bigger and faster computers? And/or buy the latest and slickest compiler and spent dozens of hours for nothing compiling faster science apps?

First of all: You are comparing apples and bananas. If you compare your standard Einstein app with a standard SETI app you will (probably) get the same credit per hour rate.

Furthermore, you forget that you would get a similar reduction of your credit per hour rate if the old credit system were still in use.


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With the albert4.37 akos

With the albert4.37 akos optimized you got more output disabling HT. With the new S5 application does that still hold true? ( Still have days of 4.37 til I get there) Any comparasins HT enabled/disabled anyone can give please?

[B@H] Ray
[B@H] Ray
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RE: To try and increase


To try and increase the total amount of computing power available to the project, we have changed the target number of results and minimum quorum from 3 to 2. Only if the first two results from different hosts/users do not agree will additional work be generated.

Any chance that the granted credit will be changed to the Avg. of the 2 rather than the lower of the 2?

Try the Pizza@Home project, good crunching.

Pav Lucistnik
Pav Lucistnik
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RE: Any chance that the

Message 37602 in response to message 37601

Any chance that the granted credit will be changed to the Avg. of the 2 rather than the lower of the 2?

The 2 are always equal - so - why?

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Ray, if you are refering


if you are refering to this work unit:

The reason you got the correct credit and your partner claimed more is that they are using an older boinc client.

Old boinc clients may claim the wrong credit. The credit you get is determined by the Einstein server, claimed credit means nothing.

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If I had understand right,

If I had understand right, the claimed credits will be overwritten from the server. Because the credits are given from producing the WU because of the length of it. You can see it as "PrePaidCredits" I think.

Metod, S56RKO
Metod, S56RKO
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Some more beatting of dead

Message 37605 in response to message 37594

Some more beatting of dead meat ...

Is this some sinister diabolic plot on the part of those running DC projects to get us credit junkies to run out and buy bigger and faster computers?

I look at it from different perspective: for S4 work I've been running Akos' splendid science apps on Windows boxes and beta test app on Linuxen while running stock BOINC CC. Some will shout that I've been cheating the rest of the flock by under-claiming, but I don't give a s**t. Now that optimized science apps don't exist (yet) I'm running stock S5 science app.

Guess what? On my dual Opteron 280 running Linux, claimed credit went from about 14.8 CS/hour to 25.3 CS/hour for long WUs!

So ... have I been cheated until now by BOINC team by underestimating power of my CPU? Or is perhaps Einstein team just too nice to me now? And guess what: if some optimized scince app pops up, claimed credit per hour for S5 WUs will raise, ain't it beauty?

What's the best part of it all is that I strongly believe that Einstein project has chances of getting some scientiffic outcome and when that happens, I'll be proud that I took part.

Metod ...

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RE: snip So ... have I been

Message 37606 in response to message 37605

So ... have I been cheated until now by BOINC team by underestimating power of my CPU? Or is perhaps Einstein team just too nice to me now? And guess what: if some optimized scince app pops up, claimed credit per hour for S5 WUs will raise, ain't it beauty?

Let's try not to start any credit wars here with comments like that.

The credit calculation and applications have changed. Fast machines get more work done, get more credit. Slow machines get less work done, get less credit. No discussion about cheating needed.

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