D40 Observation Thread

Akos Fekete
Akos Fekete
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RE: akosf, email me at

Message 26817 in response to message 26816

akosf, email me at welltender at gmail.com. I have some amd cpus that are surplus to my needs.

Thanks Terry.

But a 1,6GHz Sempron (E6) will be enough to me.

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Ok, let me know if you change

Ok, let me know if you change your mind.

Gray Handcock
Gray Handcock
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RE: RE: RE: I am

Message 26819 in response to message 26790

I am starting to feel badly for those chrunchers who use the official release, because I see more and more 2 out of the 3 validated results using an optimized client. So the official release chrunchers are (unfairly) losing a lot of legitimate credit. Let's hope E@h releases an official optimized version soon.

Haven't seen very many complaining about 1200+ points/day granted on a single cpu, have we? Don't rush it too soon :)

I'd like to add to that. You'll see those beaucoup credit/day figures drop like a stone when the optimized becomes official, and your work devalued by 75%. Talk about runaway inflation! Enjoy the bubble while it lasts, friend.

Hello Michael

'course all a bloke needs to do to get the feeling of the old Einstein client is to install Einstein in Linux (sob). I get around 3 hours 30 min in Linux using the 4.55 client. Better but still a long way to go for parity - talk about dejavu.. sigh


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Have you been able to start

Have you been able to start on the 3dnow/SSE3 client yet, or's your CPU still in shipping limbo?

Steve Cressman
Steve Cressman
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RE: Have you been able to

Message 26821 in response to message 26820

Have you been able to start on the 3dnow/SSE3 client yet, or's your CPU still in shipping limbo?

Only 3 hrs have passed, lol. And it has to go across the big pond. Don't imagine Akos went for priority shipping, I know I wouldn't, cost too much for just a few days difference.

98SE XP2500+ @ 2.1 GHz Boinc v5.8.8

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bah. Next time I'll check

bah. Next time I'll check the dates first. :-/

Akos Fekete
Akos Fekete
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RE: Only 3 hrs have passed,

Message 26823 in response to message 26821

Only 3 hrs have passed, lol. And it has to go across the big pond. Don't imagine Akos went for priority shipping, I know I wouldn't, cost too much for just a few days difference.

As far as I know the cpu was posted on monday. So, the question was correct.

Have you been able to start on the 3dnow/SSE3 client yet, or's your CPU still in shipping limbo?

SSE3 CPU isn't important for starting, but I don't have free time.
I could not order this one... ;-)

Steve Cressman
Steve Cressman
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RE: bah. Next time I'll

Message 26824 in response to message 26822

bah. Next time I'll check the dates first. :-/

Just having some fun with you, no harm intended ;)

98SE XP2500+ @ 2.1 GHz Boinc v5.8.8

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I have seen, that you test a

Message 26825 in response to message 26823

I have seen, that you test a D41 Albert.
May I test it too with my K6-3DNow?
Email cmds at otf.ch


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Akos Fekete
Akos Fekete
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RE: I have seen, that you

Message 26826 in response to message 26825

I have seen, that you test a D41 Albert.
May I test it too with my K6-3DNow?

D41 code is not ready, so I don't want to spread it.

This test checks some new 3DNow! algorithms.

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