SpaceX And/Or Rocketry In General

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Well, here's more

Well, here's more AWESOMENESSNESSNESS for you, some helo footage of the landing ! Beautiful leg fold-down and landed right on the 'X marks the spot' too ..... :-))

Plus here's a time lapse of the launch & return :

... so it goes up ( plume from ground on the left side ) and then comes down again ( plume onto ground right side ) just a few minutes later and a couple of hundred metres away. Does this day get any better or what ?? :-))

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Elon had also posted his

Elon had also posted his general and specific thoughts just prior to launch which I post in toto here ( my red highlights of significance ):


Tonight's Launch

A lot about how things work in space is counter-intuitive, as all of our intuition is gained from daily experiences where the air is thick, gravity doesn't seem to change and movement is relatively slow. We do see lots of movies about space, but, unless you're watching an IMAX documentary, they vary from slightly wrong, like The Martian (good movie!), to mostly absurdly wrong, like Red Planet (don't watch this, it will hurt your brain), which also doesn't help intuition.

​Gravity Never Stops

The most important concept to appreciate is that the range of gravity is infinite. This sometimes comes across as mind-blowing, but is pretty easy to understand once you know how to imagine it. Think of space like a very slippery (no friction), stretched sheet with objects of various sizes dropped on it. Each of those objects creates a funnel shape in the sheet, with the size of the funnel proportionate to its mass, so a tiny object makes a tiny funnel and a giant object creates a giant funnel.

Now imagine placing a marble somewhere on that slippery sheet -- it is guaranteed to fall into one of the funnels. The shallow part of any given funnel gets really, really shallow, but it has no limit, so anything with mass has a gravity field that extends to the far reaches of the Universe, including you! Here's the weird thing: if you and your pet were the only objects in space and you had no relative motion, you would eventually collide even if you started off millions of light-years apart. This why it is velocity that matters, not distance. There is no such thing as "escape distance", only "escape velocity".

The only way that the marble is not going to fall into one of the funnels is if you spin it around a funnel, like the ball on a roulette wheel, so that it orbits around the center.

Getting back to everyday reality, the impression that most people have is that gravity stops once you reach a certain altitude above Earth, at which point you start floating around in "zero g", but, as we just talked about, this is obviously not true. The force of gravity drops proportionate to the square of the distance between the centers of two objects. This makes total sense when thinking about gravity wells like funnels -- if you moved the marble 2% further away from the center of the funnel, it would still fall in, just very slightly slower.

Earth is a slightly squashed sphere with an average distance from surface to center of 6,371 km (3,959 miles). That means if you were in a spacecraft hovering 100 km above the surface, the force of gravity would only drop by the ratio of the squares of the distance or about 3%! This is why you don't experience any weight loss flying in a plane at 10 to 15 km altitude or climbing a mountain -- you are technically slightly lighter, but not enough to notice.

Velocity (how to make what goes up, stay up)

So why are the astronauts in the Space Station, which is at just under 400 km altitude (~90% of surface gravity), floating around in what looks like zero g? This is because they are actually moving around Earth's gravity funnel at the blistering speed of 27,000 km/h (17,000 mph), completing a round-the-world trip every 90 minutes!

The reason they are floating around is that they have no net acceleration. The outward acceleration of (apparent) circular motion, which wants to sling them out into deep space, exactly balances the inward acceleration of gravity that wants to pull them down to Earth.

Kinetic Energy

Almost all two stage rocket systems have a staging altitude of around 100 km, plus minus 20 km. Therefore, the critical figure of merit for a rocket booster is how fast it can throw a payload of what mass at roughly 100 km. It is important to note that the amount of energy needed to achieve a given velocity increases with the square, so going from 1000 km/h to 2000 km/h takes four times as much energy as going from 0 km/h to 1000 km/h, not twice as much.

In the case of the Falcon 9 rocket, the boost stage is able to accelerate a payload mass of 125 metric tons to 8000 km/h and land on an ocean platform or to 5000 km/h and land back at the launch site. The second one is lower because the rocket is moving super fast away from the launch site, so it has to do a screetching U-turn with nitrogen attitude thrusters, then fire the engines to create a reversed ballistic arc, then reorient again for atmospheric entry and have the engines pointed in the right direction for the landing burn. Since the propellant is liquid, it wants to centrifuge out during these maneuvers, so there has to be a system of baffles and internal holding tanks to keep it in place. It also needs three axis control surfaces that don't melt easily and work well from hypersonic through subsonic speeds.

For a sea platform landing, the Falcon 9 figure of merit is therefore roughly 300 gigajoules (GJ) of kinetic energy and for a return to launch site landing, the number is about 120 GJ. These are fairly sizable by terrestrial standards. To put it into perspective, the city of San Francisco uses about 1 GJ per second of electricity, so the Falcon 9 booster transfers enough energy to power a city of almost a million people for five minutes.

When trying to understand the value of a reusable rocket booster, the kinetic energy transfer at a 100 km reference altitude is what matters. That altitude is the equivalent of the starting line of a race. The race itself is the kinetic energy.

SpaceX Reusability Progress to Date

We've done several vertical take-off and landing flights with the same Falcon 9 first stage test rig, called Grasshopper. These were important to ensure that the final velocity attenuation algorithms worked properly. In particular, we needed to prove out a hard slew maneuver and a high acceleration landing. The first is important because the rocket is still moving sideways before landing, so we need to zero out lateral velocity, and the second because landing slowly takes a lot more propellant than landing fast. Landing at 2 g's is 10X more efficient than landing at 1.1 g's, because anything below 1 doesn't count. Those tests all worked out and Grasshopper is currently parked in a field at our central Texas development facility.

We could have gone a lot higher, but it didn't really matter without the right atmospheric entry velocity vector, which can't be enveloped safely over land. Also, given that we had a high upcoming cadence of orbital launches with exactly the right conditions, it made sense to end over-land tests and switched to over-water tests.

The first attempt to touch down softly on water failed, as we tried to control the rocket with small attitude thrusters alone. While it works well for a smooth, blunt body shape like Dragon, that turns out to be a hopeless proposition for something the shape of a rocket booster. Falcon spun out of control and smashed into the water at high speed.

We then added four grid fins in an X-wing configuration to give us the necessary three axis control under high dynamic atmospheric pressure, which peaks at 1.5 tons per square foot.

This solved the control problem and we were able to do two successful soft landings in the water. Max altitude of the rocket stage was 210 km, which doesn't matter a lot, and max transfer kinetic energy was 200 GJ.

The rockets were not designed to survive in water, so only lasted for about 7 seconds after landing before we lost telemetry.

Droneship Landing

The obvious next step was to build an ocean landing platform that could hold station, so we built an autonomous droneship called Just Read the Instructions. This gave us a landing area of 150 by 250 feet. The leg span is about 60 ft, which meant that the margin of error in the worst direction was less than the leg span. Adding to the complexity, Falcon was coming in on a diagonal at extreme deceleration towards a heaving ship in high winds. This is a lot like landing a plane on an aircraft carrier vs a normal runway. A lot less room for error.

The first one hit really hard and exploded immediately on impact. The second one did land, but slightly too hard. Two of the legs broke their stops on landing, so it tipped over and exploded.

New and Improved!

The Falcon 9 rocket we are about to launch has higher performance than the prior version due mostly to increased boost thrust, deep cryo oxidizer and a much larger upper stage engine bell. It also has a number of reliability enhancements, such as a redundant stage separation system and greater structural safety margins.

This should, if all goes well, give us enough performance to deliver eleven satellites to orbit and bring the booster all the way back to Cape Canaveral to Landing Zone 1 (LZ-1).

T-zero in 15 minutes, so have to sign off. Apologies for any typos in the above.

-- Elon

.... for which those kinetic energy figures tell the tale, as it were, of why it is that you can't compare with other superficially similiar efforts. As Blue Origin's current best effort kinetic energy at 100km is zero, that I think is probably why Elon gave that as a reference altitude. SpaceX is several hundred GigaJoules ahead there ( Giga = billion ) and the Falcon Heavy is yet to come. While no disrespect from me is intended to Messers Bezo & Branson or others, they are simply quite distinct programs with different aims. More power to all of them actually ! :-)

Cheers, Mike.

( edit ) Just like the SR-71 : In Thrust We Trust!

( edit ) Quick back-of-the-envelope ( LOE velocity is just under 8km/sec ):

K.E = 1/2 * M * V^2

K.E. = 200 GJ = 2 * 10^11 = 0.5 * M * v^2 = 0.5 * M * (7.9 * 10^3)^2

M ~ 2 * 10^11 / 32 * 10^6 ~ 6 * 10^3 kg = 6 metric tonnes ( payload to LOE in theory )

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
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Well they did it! But as

Well they did it!

But as all sci fi fans from Dan Dare onwards know, vertical landing rockets were old hat in the 1950's!!!

BBC News

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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well done, made it look easy!

well done, made it look easy! Hopefully a day landing next time.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Found some RP-1 data ( the

Found some RP-1 data ( the kerosene ) :

density[300K] = 0.810 ( kg per litre actually )

density[-20F] = density[260K] = 0.840 ( ditto )

fractional density increase = (0.84 - 0.81)/0.81 = 0.03/0.81 ~ 3.7 %

Now here's a thing. The usual burn mass ratio ie. oxidizer to fuel for RP-1 is 2.56 to 1, and 3.7% * 2.56 ~ 9.5% which is around about the 10.3 % I calculated earlier for the LOX cooling density benefit.

My point being that LOX cooling density increase pretty well matches the RP-1 cooling density increase when considered in stoichiometric terms. So per se one doesn't need to alter the tank sizes if both are cooled as they have been, as the desired ratio of the respective molecular numbers will be preserved. That won't have been an accident.

If anything the mix will be slightly more oxygen rich than before ( compare 10.3 vs 9.5 ) and that would contribute to the extra cooling required at the higher thrust rating. Keep in mind that extra oxygen - to be thrown away unburnt - is also supplied to the engine bell housing at a lower temperature also & thus able to soak up proportionally more heat.

The first stage Merlin version launched today is historically quite unique in these aspects ( high oxidation rates AND over-oxidation ). That's why it is such a hot-rod : that lovely extra K.E. @ 100km comes directly from such improvements. It is a real clever piece of engineering to get ~ 1/4 of a Saturn V power out of the gadget.

Ah ... time to go to bed Mike, a Happy Lad. :-))

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal


Here is a link to the

Here is a link to the original live stream. The actual launch, flight and return sequence begins around 21:06. Everything about this presentation is spot on. The coverage from launch to inflight to recovery is first class. I am still cheering the efforts of this SpaceX team!!!!!

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Memo to Mike: Great stuff,

Memo to Mike:

Great stuff, mostly, but I suggest you rethink your mass ratio/stoichiometry comments with the benefit a a night's sleep.

I understood from the beginning that sea recovery had to have a substantial fuel need/available delivery smash advantage over the return to launch site, but Elon's numbers are far more dramatic than my intuition.

On a third topic--folks may have missed that while the current Blue Origin vehicle is pretty much fitted to the same passenger joy ride mission as the long-gestating Virgin Galactic equipment, that is by no means the end of the Blue Origin ambition. They have a dead serious engine under development, and clear orbital intentions.

For that matter Virgin Galactic also has orbital launch intentions, and has recently announced their plan to convert a 747-400 as carrier vehicle (I suspect they found that much cheaper than commissioning a White Knight 3 of suitable size). That will let them serve a broader range of payload delivery mass/altitude than would relying only on the White Knight 2/Launcher 1 pair.

Exciting times in the launch business.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: Great stuff, mostly,

Great stuff, mostly, but I suggest you rethink your mass ratio/stoichiometry comments

Agreed, the problem is that I don't know their usual standard cryo fuel ratio that they are running on plus I am guessing ( no doubt wildly ) on the differentials and I'm not an actual rocket scientist either ! My usual back-of-the-envelope stuff. I'm pretty sure they must be up to something special though, having extra oxygen about not burnt with the kerosene is going to degrade the rocket bells. Maybe they intend to replace them more frequently than the upper motor components. Just shooting the breeze here .... :-)

I understood from the beginning that sea recovery had to have a substantial fuel need/available delivery smash advantage over the return to launch site, but Elon's numbers are far more dramatic than my intuition.

Yeah the swing is 300 - 120 = 180 GJ which is about what you want to give the payload to go onwards anyway. That's the price of turning around though. The fuel you keep to reverse back to launch site isn't available to punt the payload down range. Every decision costs energy, the lower environs bleed your inputs ..... "I cannae change the laws of physics!"

Cheers, Mike

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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From their flikr site, i

From their flikr site, i think i like the up and down

It's not entirely clear if this a single exposure but if it is, it shows a lot.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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That's beautiful. It shows

That's beautiful. It shows the kinetics of the whole deal nicely. I know it is ( almost ) silly to say it, but obviously you have to come back down by more or less the same path* that you went up ... :-))

At a guess I would say they've held opened the shutter for the launch and ascent, closed it, waited an appropriate number of minutes and then re-opened & held the shutter for the landing phase. All kept on the same film ( or not clearing the digital back plane or whatever ).

Cheers, Mike.

* No. Actually you don't have to. You just have to land nearby for this mode. Though coming back along about the same path is a credible and probably efficient answer. Anyway this feat makes the degree of control that they have over the craft - or the craft has over itself via programming etc - all the more impressive. There has got to be a ton of aerospace people out there going WOW, even if they keep it to themselves. I wish ( I am greedy here ) we had a view on the boost-back loop up at the top end. As Elon indicates that's quite a trick to flip the rocket over and still maintain control, pretty much a jet manouevre rather than a liquid rocket one, despite the mid portion of that loop being a ballistic arc.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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