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Ascholten started discussion Assign Individual CPU's
Since machines are coming out that are multi core it'd be a nice perk to be able to assign an individual CPU to a project...
9th December 2010
Do you have a virus program active on the computer. Sometimes I have seen where they will be doing 'stuff' in the...
9th December 2010
Ascholten commented on Phone Crucher
If coding is done so that you can use your phone's OS, Id think burning the phone's cpu at near 100 percent all the time...
30th November 2010
What if I just let Boinc on this one system run out of all jobs, shut it down then restart with a fresh slate, will it '...
29th November 2010
Ok let me see here for scheduling. percent of resource share. einstein gets 80 percent world community gets 10 percent...
28th November 2010