On one computer I'm using, a dual-core Centrino running XP, Einstein regularly "chugs"; it runs a while then I get the message "Suspending computation - CPU usage is too high".
Two threads are running (dual core!), and it does this even when there is nothing else running, meaning that BOINC is using as much resources as it wants.
What is happening?
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"Suspending computation - CPU usage is too high"
Do you have a virus program active on the computer. Sometimes I have seen where they will be doing 'stuff' in the background and lock out boinc for a little bit. Generally updates will cause this or scans. Are there other programs that might be doing a periodical look for an update, like Java or Adobe as two examples. They can cause boinc to suspend as well as numerous normal windows 'things' it does.
Have you tried turning the utilization rate of the CPU. I currently have mine set around 70 percent and really don't see any problems with stuff running or getting laggy because of it.
If god meant for us not to BOINC he'd have made our #$%^%^ shorter!!
If you don't have problems
If you don't have problems with the responsiveness of your computer when BOINC is running, you could even turn that feature off. In your Computing preferences, look for
Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)