Thank you for the replies.
I am running regular CPU tasks too on t his computer, it's my workhorse for crunching, I was...
30th December 2010
Ok boinc just gave me a bunch of einstein assignments today. A lot of them, heck all of them are BRP'. Now 6 of them...
29th December 2010
Ascholten commented on Ineffective GPU usage in radio pulsar search
It's a pain in the butt, they are working on it, but Task manager, you can select the specific app being worked on and set...
26th December 2010
For what it's worth, if you find yourself out of Einstein Cuda apps milky way has been pretty reliable at feeding them...
26th December 2010
This is all voluntary work here. Nobody is twisting your arm to do it, if you do not like it, well....
Yes there can...
25th December 2010
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