adrianxw commented on Anti matter question.
It is possible to have regions of pure a and pure b to separate out of a binary mixture randomly. But according to the...
18th December 2005
adrianxw commented on Anti matter question.
the smooth distribution of matter implied by the cosmic micro-wave raditon would have been distroyed.
I find...
17th December 2005
adrianxw commented on Anti matter question.
even larger structures which trade matter in much the same way colliding galaxies do.
Yes, but do they do it...
17th December 2005
adrianxw commented on Anti matter question.
Galaxies collide all the time and large galaxies eat small ones regularly.
Very true, but, and it is why I...
17th December 2005
adrianxw commented on Anti matter question.
The best argument against that is that there would have to be a region of space in between us and the Virgo cluster...
17th December 2005
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