adrianxw commented on 10.247.066 decimal digits prime
So it is of commercial/military interest then, (spits on the floor). Not in the same league as curing disease or advancing...
25th November 2006
adrianxw commented on 10.247.066 decimal digits prime
Quote:The prime numbers is one of the most important part of the number theory. Lots of mathematical theorems are...
25th November 2006
adrianxw commented on 10.247.066 decimal digits prime
I see an awful lot of effort being given to finding "prime numbers". Other then academic interest, is there any point to...
25th November 2006
adrianxw commented on "Just in time "downloading.
Quote: The "overshooting" of too many new WUs after a break is gone
I agree, that will be nice to see the back of...
29th August 2006
adrianxw commented on "Just in time "downloading.
The OP knew well that it didn't really matter as the STD only got knocked back a little and the last minute or so was done...
26th August 2006
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