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In the Court of King Crimson - King Crimson.
4th June 2007
I know at the outset I am not going to explain this well without the help of visuals so bear with me. I wondered if the...
24th May 2007
adrianxw commented on SUPER SUPER NOVA
It was featured on APOD yesterday with a Chandra X-Ray image as well.
11th May 2007
adrianxw commented on SUPER SUPER NOVA
I was reading this morning about that event. It said that theoretically, such an explosion may leave NO remnant, no...
10th May 2007
adrianxw commented on S5R2
Quote:and Intels were getting points at about the same rate as they did for S5R1 jobs. Not so. In my post above I...
23rd April 2007