Recent posts

adrianxw commented on Milestones III
100,000 at Einstein today. Earlier this week 1 million in BOINC combined.
17th January 2008
Quote:(you get through them rather quickly when most of the WUs crash instantly) Mine weren't crashing instantly,...
11th November 2007
I posted my "Exit status 11" woes in this thread. When I get to that machine next week, I'll try loading the newer app....
10th November 2007
Quote:Intel P-IV HT 3.0GHz @ 3.0GHz Quote:a big Zalman heatsink ... which gets an air duster about once a...
9th November 2007
All the wu's this machine has received since 1st November have exited part way through with a status of 11. Others are...
8th November 2007