(figured it was update time since II loads slow even on my satellite isp and we probably still have dialup members here)
So what are the chances of me hitting the 555,555 Milestone today?
Looks like you did :-D congratulations!
I'm over 1 million already... :) 10% for the second is done already :))
5,000,000 for the RASC!
200K Einstein!
Over 600,000 cobblestones for team Cobar Spiders.
800K (30.10.2007)
600K (11.07.2007) 400K (07.05.2007) 300K (29.01.2007)
Could be any moment and Einstein will be my first 1M credit project!
In other news I passed 600K in both CPDN and SETI in the past few weeks, and I have 2 machines that have almost pasted the 500K mark on combined projects.
400K 31.10.07 in under one year. yeeeeeppyyjay
Broke the 300K mark. Sweet.
Team Linux Users Everywhere
Milestones III
Looks like you did :-D congratulations!
I'm over 1 million already...
I'm over 1 million already... :) 10% for the second is done already :))
5,000,000 for the RASC!
5,000,000 for the RASC!
200K Einstein!
200K Einstein!
Over 600,000 cobblestones for
Over 600,000 cobblestones for team Cobar Spiders.
800K (30.10.2007)
Could be any moment and
Could be any moment and Einstein will be my first 1M credit project!
In other news I passed 600K in both CPDN and SETI in the past few weeks, and I have 2 machines that have almost pasted the 500K mark on combined projects.
400K 31.10.07 in under one
400K 31.10.07 in under one year. yeeeeeppyyjay
Broke the 300K mark. Sweet.
Broke the 300K mark. Sweet.
500K BOINC! Michael
Team Linux Users Everywhere