Thanks, I've got back "into" the machine I have the 5.2 client running on. I guess that gui... file is a newer thing, it...
29th October 2005
I've done something silly, (crowd mumbles "No suprises there"). I had Windows 95 running on a machine and yesterday...
29th October 2005
adrianxw commented on Rosetta goes to full production.
Folding@Home is run by Stanford University and is not for profit. Their results are published in exactly the same way as...
24th October 2005
adrianxw commented on GRAVITY PROBE B
There is some very recent news from Gravity-B here.
15th October 2005
adrianxw commented on Rosetta goes to full production.
All the projects have had issues. All still do, you only need to read the posts here to see that some people have trouble...
9th October 2005
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