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adrianxw commented on Project quota.
I'll try to find out. Most projects it is simple, but here, they have changed the website around making it difficult to find...
27th October 2018
adrianxw started discussion Project quota.
I decided to change the quota of my projects. They were all at 100, stock. I wanted to up them all to 200, so when I added a...
27th October 2018
adrianxw started discussion Einstein quota.
I wanted to change the quota on all of my projects, normal is 100, I wanted to up this to 200, so that when I add a new...
26th October 2018
My machines are typically connected to 15-20 projects. Not all have work all the time, but with a broad scope, my machines...
23rd January 2018
It was certainly enough to keep me in the business for 40+ years.
17th January 2018