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paul milton started discussion boinc stats question
hello folks, i just attatchd two laptops i used to crunch with many moons ago a few days ago. one of them gave this error...
3rd February 2009
it never changed the directory structure? interesting, because ive been running boinc on this same computer for years. and...
1st February 2009
have you tryd a nslookup? just throwing out idea's here. heres my results for both an nslookup and a tracert C:\...
31st January 2009
Quote:Hi! I think the "write to disk at most every ... seconds" preference will only apply to checkpointing , not to...
22nd January 2009
go in to your antivirus app and disable scanning of the boinc data directory. in a recent upgrade they moved this...
21st January 2009