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i hate having an idle cpu. but i know stuff happens, so i upped my cache from 3 days to 7 :grin:
22nd April 2009
Quote:Quote: PIII 1G looks stronger than Atom Note that the Atom is hyperthreaded and the benchmark results are "per...
4th March 2009
Quote:Quote:and, what ini file? id like to take a look. Not an ini file, but the registry, at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\...
22nd February 2009
Quote:As Gundolf states, close the window. This then saves the .ini file with the screen size. really? it hasnt...
22nd February 2009
paul milton commented on gui rpc?
well that was short lived, went to log in this morning and got nothing,, took a look the capslock and scrollock lights are...
13th February 2009