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Quote: For some reason my Dell computer won't let me see any temps, nominal or otherwise. However, I've been running...
7th February 2009
Quote:Quote:Quote:It baffles me to see my 3.0GHz Xeon underperformed by a huge margin compared to a 2.66GHz Core 2 Duo...
6th February 2009
Quote:Quote:about the lost cycles, tell me about it, for some reason explorer.exe eats up 25-75% of the cpu for about...
3rd February 2009
thanks for the tips on the laptops, i have both of them on a cooler, and replaced the stock thermal compound with...
3rd February 2009
about the lost cycles, tell me about it, for some reason explorer.exe eats up 25-75% of the cpu for about 10 secconds...
3rd February 2009