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Quote:But after some 12 hours of hard work Oliver and I are too tired to take much care of this, we'll possibly do...
25th April 2009
Quote:Snagged my 1st one last night, running on my i7. Its estimating 9 hours 25 mins to process. The All Sky GW ones...
2nd April 2009
Snagged my 1st one last night, running on my i7. Its estimating 9 hours 25 mins to process. The All Sky GW ones are...
1st April 2009
MarkJ started discussion date/time in task
I noticed that the date and time are now shown in the Einstein tasks. Its probably been there a while but I haven't...
23rd March 2009
Quote:Does anyone here know if there will be BOINC preferences to the use of CUDA enabled apps that either tell BOINC...
14th March 2009