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Quote:I have updated 3 hosts so far to the 6.10 app. All are running XP Pro. One has BOINC 6.4.5 and the others have 6...
30th December 2008
I have updated 3 hosts so far to the 6.10 app. All are running XP Pro. One has BOINC 6.4.5 and the others have 6.2.19. No...
28th December 2008
Quote:But it should be clear that the potential of GPU computing is so promising that einstein@home just can't ignore...
27th December 2008
Quote:A quote from the NVIDIA web site... "Distributing computing applications such as Folding@home, Einstein@home,...
24th December 2008
MarkJ started discussion Server down?
I got the following messages when requesting new work for Einstein, plus the web site has been non-responsive at times...
24th December 2008