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Quote:Quote:I've seen at least two computers, which seem to abort the GC tasks and which are only executing the ABP...
28th July 2010
Quote:Could I have some bad memory? or a bad memory slot? This can be checked very easy. If you have win7...
28th July 2010
Did you check your gpu-app? It uses one cpu-core as well, so all together 4 apps should be running, 3 cpu and 1 cpu/gpu...
28th July 2010
Quote: this is why I'm looking for a way to use my GPU more efficient. I've found a thread in the GPUGRID forum...
27th July 2010
Alex commented on Bug in BOINC
Quote: It seems to sit on uploads for days and my computer is on the net at least 7 days a week for hours. Greg...
24th July 2010