Bug in BOINC

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Topic 195208

There seems to be a bug in BOINC and i get a message that says it cannot find the web page but then opens Firefox at the page.

It seems to sit on uploads for days and my computer is on the net at least 7 days a week for hours.


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Bug in BOINC


It seems to sit on uploads for days and my computer is on the net at least 7 days a week for hours.


Hi Greg,
if you mean, it took days to upload your SETI wu's, thats the same for all users. Seti shuts down their servers for more than 3 days a week.

If you mean E@H, you should have another problem. My wu's are reported as usual.



Gundolf Jahn
Gundolf Jahn
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And for the supposed BOINC

And for the supposed BOINC bug, look at How to set up your default browser in Windows? at the BOINC FAQ Service.


Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: It seems to sit on

It seems to sit on uploads for days and my computer is on the net at least 7 days a week for hours.

Perhaps you are talking about Seti rather than E@H. I had a look at your tasks list for E@H and there doesn't seem to be any real sign of tasks failing to upload and/or be reported. There are mostly examples of quite quick turnaround.

However there are a couple of things showing up that you might like to think about. Firstly there is an S5GC1 task which is about to pass its deadline. It's the only GC1 task in the list. With the deadline so close, BOINC should have processed it before now. All your other tasks are ABP2 CUDA tasks. As you have a single CPU machine, the CUDA tasks will tie up the sole CPU with the GPU and CPU only tasks don't get a look-in. There are significant scheduling bugs in various 6.10.x BOINC versions and you may get much better behaviour if you upgrade to 6.10.58 - the current recommended version.

A second point to consider is to do with how you have set various preference settings. As you are sharing with Seti and as Seti now has these regular 3 day outages, it's important to consider what resource shares you have allocated and what settings you have for the two items that control your cache size, connect to network interval and extra days work. If you could tell us what you are using for these three settings it would help in giving you suggestions on how to overcome any problems you might be having.

Also, does your machine run 24/7 and if not, approximately how many hours per day on average?


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