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Alex started discussion Servers down?
07.03.2017 17:38:28 | Einstein@Home | Temporarily failed upload of LATeah0016L_988.0_0_0.0_391560_1_1: connect() failed 07....
7th March 2017
Autsch, shame on me ! I used an excel sheet, seems the dots confused the german version with the number format. Sorry for...
31st January 2017
From the server status page: Hosts w/ ATI/AMD GPU     5,429 Avg daily credit (ATI/AMD)    123,984,865 If this is correct...
30th January 2017
Rosetta is about to make its final crash into a comet - watch it happen LIVE
29th September 2016
.. but where is a gravitation center around which it can orbit?
19th February 2016