MacOS G5 App 4.27 available

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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Topic 191728

I've been working on the PPC code a bit more with what I learned from the coding for x86 and made a new version. I've seen it run about 20% faster than the previous 4.23 App on some machines.

However, applying all the measurements we need for copmpatibility of an "official App", this code slows down even behind the 4.23 App, at least on G5. So for now I made an App that maintains the maximum possible compatibility without loosing speed. It turned out to be a G5 App that should run on MacOS 10.4 as well as on 10.3. It is available from our Power User Apps page. I haven't seen a single invalid result from this code in internal tests.

I'll continue to investigate this level of "maximum useful compatibility" for G4 machines. For G3 I don't have any more ideas for speeding up the Apps anyway.

Happy crunching!



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MacOS G5 App 4.27 available

Dual 2.0 G5, 10.4.7, Boinc 5.4.9

No success with 4.27. Boinc Manager deletes the app immediately on start up. (Tried it twice.)

As experiment, tried copying the app in to the Project's Ein folder after Boinc Manager was already running. Dowloaded a WU but it errored out immediately with Code 2 (0x2).

4.23 ran fine.

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Update: Seems to be looking

Message 44657 in response to message 44656

Seems to be looking for App. 4.26. Error in the XML?

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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Sorry. There was indeed an

Sorry. There was indeed an error in the app_info.xml. I updated the package, new md5 is ecfa6c45e790b135c72587e1e2fad4ec.



Martin P.
Martin P.
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Bernd, thanks for this


thanks for this fantastic new release! On my G5 Dual 2.7GHz machine crunch time went down from 23,000 seconds to 18,000. Now it is once again on par with the fastest AMD-processors and faster then comparable Intels.

Thanks again!

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My G5’s first WU with v4.27

My G5’s first WU with v4.27 has been reported and validated, and a second is almost crunched. So far it’s looking about 20% faster than v4.23, or 40% faster than v4.12. That should bring its productivity up to about ten credits per hour.

By way of comparison, the same system earns about 8.3 CS/h on typical SETI@home WUs with the Enhanced Beta v5.17. This version has a higher credit/Flop rate than the current standard v5.13, with which I made about 7 CS/h (before I started running an optimized app).

I second the motion of thanks!

Lennox Mæɷƺʥ �
Lennox Mæɷƺʥ �
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How do i INSTALL it on my G5

How do i INSTALL it on my G5 PowerPC running 10.4.7 I downloaded and unzipped and its a folder with an xml and a app

Now where do i put them? Sorry, i was born this stupid and its been uphill ever since.

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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RE: How do i INSTALL it on

Message 44662 in response to message 44661


How do i INSTALL it on my G5 PowerPC running 10.4.7 I downloaded and unzipped and its a folder with an xml and a app

Now where do i put them? Sorry, i was born this stupid and its been uphill ever since.

Put them in the folder
/Library/Application Support/BOINC Data/projects/
and restart the BOINC Manager.

More detatiled instructions for such packages can be found on the Beta Test Page, look for the MacOS PPC section.



Lennox Mæɷƺʥ �
Lennox Mæɷƺʥ �
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I have installed this new

I have installed this new item by dragging it into the boic data folder. The message taB displays the message 'now using version 427...' but boys:

It Doesnt Run Any Faster. Why is the Mac so slow compared to my pc which SCREAMS! Something like 5 times more points! Is there a setting that will demand shorter MU's?

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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Have you actually completed a

Have you actually completed a Task with the new version? Don't count on the time estimated by the Client, the estimation is based on the old App.

There are some postings in the threads here that discuss short and long WUs. See e.g. Bruce's "Information about S5" (sticky thread in Cruncher's Corner).



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i use now the 4.27 version on

i use now the 4.27 version on my G5 1,8Ghz and a WU h1-1412,5 have been computed in 27 000 seconds against 44 000 with the 4.12 version so 60% faster !

thanks for this optimization !

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