Any special instructions for transition to S5?

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Topic 191391

Anyone who was over on Seti@Home and using an optimised app when we transitioned over to the new SetiEnhanced will remember that we had to do a bit of fiddleing on some cases to allow the new enhanced to go forward on our machines. For asome deleting the app_info.xml file (not used on einstien i know) and others had to run down their cache and reinstall boinc before it would allow any of the new units.

My question is-is there any similar need here? wiil having an optimized app prevent my machine from transitioning normally over to the S5 project? or will it be fine left alone to continue to work on the remaining S4 units with the opti app and will do everything it needs to all by itself?

Sorry if this has already been covered but I couldn't find anything on his specific question. Some on similar topics.

Pooh Bear 27
Pooh Bear 27
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Any special instructions for transition to S5?

If you didn't use one of the optimized apps that needed the app_info.xml (there were some), then you are golden. Mine are starting to grab S5 results, already, and I did nothing different.

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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There is one thing you might

There is one thing you might have to think about if you have been running the Akos app and using an optimised or calibrating client to correct your credit claims. This is nothing to do with future credit as that will be determined server side. It is to do with the potential size of your cache of work. Things will be different depending on exactly which client you have been using. Take the Trux one for example. I haven't used it but I believe it changes both time and benchmark value in order to "calibrate" your claim. Those using it probably have a pretty low DCF or artificially high benchmarks or perhaps a combination of both.

As you exhaust the remaining S4 work, you will be getting the new S5 data with time estimates based on your DCF and benchmark values which will be wrong for the new work. The danger is that if you had, for example, a 4 day cache, you may fill up with S5 work which will ultimately prove to have been estimated way too low. When the first S5 result to complete "fixes" this by upping the estimates significantly, you may suddenly find yourself with a lot more work than anticipated. The fix, if you think you might be susceptible to this problem, is simply to reduce your connect to network setting to say 0.5 days or less right now, particularly if you seem to be accumulating a lot of S5 results with surprisingly low estimated times. The times are going to be way longer than what you have been used to with the Akos app.



Pooh Bear 27
Pooh Bear 27
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Great point Gary, and he is

Great point Gary, and he is using an optimizing client. I am glad someone thought of this.

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RE: There is one thing you

Message 37980 in response to message 37978


There is one thing you might have to think about if you have been running the Akos app and using an optimised or calibrating client to correct your credit claims. This is nothing to do with future credit as that will be determined server side. It is to do with the potential size of your cache of work. Things will be different depending on exactly which client you have been using. Take the Trux one for example. I haven't used it but I believe it changes both time and benchmark value in order to "calibrate" your claim. Those using it probably have a pretty low DCF or artificially high benchmarks or perhaps a combination of both.

As you exhaust the remaining S4 work, you will be getting the new S5 data with time estimates based on your DCF and benchmark values which will be wrong for the new work. The danger is that if you had, for example, a 4 day cache, you may fill up with S5 work which will ultimately prove to have been estimated way too low. When the first S5 result to complete "fixes" this by upping the estimates significantly, you may suddenly find yourself with a lot more work than anticipated. The fix, if you think you might be susceptible to this problem, is simply to reduce your connect to network setting to say 0.5 days or less right now, particularly if you seem to be accumulating a lot of S5 results with surprisingly low estimated times. The times are going to be way longer than what you have been used to with the Akos app.


Oh right. Thanks i'll keep an eye an that. Currently my cache is set to a fairly low 1.5days but i am using crunch3r's optimized 5.5.0 clients. but as you say S5 should sort all that then i'll be able to take that off. I'l leave it for now and set to no new work in a week or so. Run out my cache and reinstall boinc. having BBC-CCE runnig is the only problem might have there.

Thanks both of you.

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RE: As you exhaust the

Message 37981 in response to message 37978

As you exhaust the remaining S4 work, you will be getting the new S5 data with time estimates based on your DCF and benchmark values which will be wrong for the new work. The danger is that if you had, for example, a 4 day cache, you may fill up with S5 work which will ultimately prove to have been estimated way too low. When the first S5 result to complete "fixes" this by upping the estimates significantly, you may suddenly find yourself with a lot more work than anticipated. The fix, if you think you might be susceptible to this problem, is simply to reduce your connect to network setting to say 0.5 days or less right now, particularly if you seem to be accumulating a lot of S5 results with surprisingly low estimated times. The times are going to be way longer than what you have been used to with the Akos app.

Also, not sure if it applies to Einstein@home, but after finishing one S5-result there's also a chance the "calibrated" credit for any S4-work you crunch afterwards will be "calibrated" much lower than before...

BTW, over at SETI@Home, there was atleast one example there Trux "calibrated" client was calibrating the benchmark so low that the computer was blocked from downloading enough Seti_Enhanced-work to keep computer busy...

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RE: Also, not sure if it

Message 37982 in response to message 37981

Also, not sure if it applies to Einstein@home, but after finishing one S5-result there's also a chance the "calibrated" credit for any S4-work you crunch afterwards will be "calibrated" much lower than before...

A person could "max" their cache at 10 days which would give plenty of S4 work and also plenty of warning when S4 WUs are no longer available as you will see it taper-off and the number of cached WUs will decrease.

At the point that S4 work is completed, send completed WUs, delete app_info.xml, d/l new worker application from server, edit the truxoft_prefs.xml and remove Einstein from calibration or off if it is the only project.

If I'm not mistaken, this would allow a transition that would keep max credit on S4, while migrating to S5 using trux Boinc 5.3.12tx36 w/o the issues below.

Any problems w/ this I'm overlooking?

paul milton
paul milton
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so wait a seccond,, since im

so wait a seccond,, since im useing trux, and calibration on for opti,,, it might be a good idea for me to select no new work, and wait for all s4 to complete since ive allready got some s5's then delete the s4 app?

i ask because the s5's i have report a time of 5 hours each, and i have a 3day cache, so from what i can tell,, that 5 hours might be a tad shorter then itl actualy take.... hmm.

btw, exactly how does one turn off calibration on trux?

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RE: so wait a seccond,,

Message 37984 in response to message 37983


so wait a seccond,, since im useing trux, and calibration on for opti,,, it might be a good idea for me to select no new work, and wait for all s4 to complete since ive allready got some s5's then delete the s4 app?

i ask because the s5's i have report a time of 5 hours each, and i have a 3 day cache, so from what i can tell,, that 5 hours might be a tad shorter then itl actualy take.... hmm.

btw, exactly how does one turn off calibration on trux?

Under the Tasks tab in BOINC Mgr, you can suspend the S5 WUs until your S4s are complete (just be careful to look at your S5 WU deadline and make sure you complete them beforehand).

Unless you want to do ONLY S5 work now, you don't need to delete the S4 ap since you are likely still to receive some remaining S4 work.

At the point you have completed and reported your final S4 WU, Close BOINC & open truxoft_prefs.xml with notepad, edit the line as shown in my post below, restart BOINC and check the Message Tab. Look for: calibrate_client = off
Should do the trick. You can verify in the Message tab since you shouldn't see any reference to calibration of time or gflops etc.

Hope this helps.

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RE: For asome deleting the

For asome deleting the app_info.xml file (not used on einstien i know) and others had to run down their cache and reinstall boinc before it would allow any of the new units.

The app_info.xml is used on Einstein, if you were using the Beta clients that were available so far. But then just a check in your Messages tab will reveal something of the following:

2006-06-16 12:31:12 [Einstein@Home] Message from server: Remove the app_info.xml file, then restart BOINC to get more Einstein@Home work.
2006-06-16 12:31:12 [Einstein@Home] Message from server: No work sent

Fun misnomer: It doesn't say to exit BOINC first. ;-)

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RE: The app_info.xml is

Message 37986 in response to message 37985


The app_info.xml is used on Einstein, if you were using the Beta clients that were available so far. But then just a check in your Messages tab will reveal something of the following:

2006-06-16 12:31:12 [Einstein@Home] Message from server: Remove the app_info.xml file, then restart BOINC to get more Einstein@Home work.
2006-06-16 12:31:12 [Einstein@Home] Message from server: No work sent

Fun misnomer: It doesn't say to exit BOINC first. ;-)

Sorry didn't realise it was used for some. That last bit's a bit of a whoopsie isn't it? ;)

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