Information about the new S5 workunits

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I think this low daily quota

I think this low daily quota is because of your lot of client errors. Problems with the box?

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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RE: One of my

Message 37648 in response to message 37646

One of my computerscomputers reached daily quota 7 WU per day. Others still have 32 WU - why did you change the quota ? The system performed couple failures with transition to S5. I am waiting now for downloading new wu tomorrow.

The daily quota is reduced by one with every client error, and doubled (up to 32 max) with every successful result reported. If you have completed a result successfully, do a manual "update" to report it and raise your daily quota again.



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RE: One of my

Message 37649 in response to message 37646

One of my computerscomputers reached daily quota 7 WU per day. Others still have 32 WU - why did you change the quota ? The system performed couple failures with transition to S5. I am waiting now for downloading new wu tomorrow.

Looks like you may have corrupted E@H app files. Suggest you:

1. Shutdown BOINC
2. Make backup copy of BOINC folder
3. Restart BOINC
4. Detach from Einstein
5. Shutdown BOINC again
6. Delete Einstein Project folders (if Einstein is all you run, Delete ALL BOINC and reinstall with latest BOINC client)
7. Restart BOINC and attach to Einstein again.


[edit: spelling]

Seti Classic Final Total: 11446 WU.

Beach Bum
Beach Bum
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Hmm, a handful of s-5 at 1

Hmm, a handful of s-5 at 1 hour 15 minutes, a few at 9 and 1/2 hours, and I have one machine with a handful of 2 1/2 hours , and a couple 33 hour units. I am hoping because that machine is new to Einstein, it is just figureing the estimate wrong.

Still have not crunched any s-5's on this machine, was still receiving s-4's pretty regular. Looks like the que is starting to fill with s-5's now though. So in a couple days it will be s-5 time for this machine.

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Alan Pull
Alan Pull
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Dear Bernd, I'm now about

Dear Bernd,

I'm now about halfway through my first S5 unit, congratulations on the smooth transition from S4, and particularly the way you kept us all so well informedat every step along the way.

Its also nice to know that credits now are a recognition of our own individual performance, and are no longer enhanced by (inadvertently) picking the pockets of other members achievements.

Best of luck to the good ship S5 and all who crunch with her - may the only waves she encounters be gravitational ones.

Suggest you and the team go out for a pint to celebrate a job well done.


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RE: Ahhhh soooo Even though

Message 37652 in response to message 37645

Ahhhh soooo Even though I feel an idle computer is being wasted(The owner of said un-stressed computers needs to know at least why he is paying more and why power supplies and fans are wearing out much sooner!)...I also believe you are stealing electricity and causing your company Mucho electric bills( a cpu at 100% vs. idle uses quantum more juice)...why does everyone act like electricity was free....I wish it was ...But that is what free energy is all about that the man is holding down....... Lookie here...Every $ of cost that I have contributed for DC by me has been paid for by me....Wonder how many big rollers can say that....Too many people think that there are no cost to their actions now-adays or don't care

Yes, you're right. I forgot that CPUs running at 100% use more power.

But, like I said, I get permission to run the apps before I set them up. There was no deliberate intent to steal power.

Hmmm... I have to think about this. Maybe it's time to take BOINC out of all those systems.

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RE: RE: One of my

Message 37653 in response to message 37649

One of my computerscomputers reached daily quota 7 WU per day. Others still have 32 WU - why did you change the quota ? The system performed couple failures with transition to S5. I am waiting now for downloading new wu tomorrow.

Looks like you may have corrupted E@H app files. Suggest you:

1. Shutdown BOINC
2. Make backup copy of BOINC folder
3. Restart BOINC
4. Detach from Einstein
5. Shutdown BOINC again
6. Delete Einstein Project folders (if Einstein is all you run, Delete ALL BOINC and reinstall with latest BOINC client)
7. Restart BOINC and attach to Einstein again.


[edit: spelling]

It's not needed to do all of this.

process exited with code 26 (0x1a) means that one of the files that BOINC is trying to write to is busy, probably locked. A simple exit of BOINC and restart should fix this, else a restart of the computer will.

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RE: Every $ of cost that I

Message 37654 in response to message 37645


Every $ of cost that I have contributed for DC by me has been paid for by me....Wonder how many big rollers can say that....Too many people think that there are no cost to their actions now-adays or don't care

I don't know what you consider to be a big roller, but I've paid for every kilowatt hour of mine, too.

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RE: ....Wonder how many big

Message 37655 in response to message 37654


....Wonder how many big rollers can say that....
I don't know what you consider to be a big roller, but I've paid for every kilowatt hour of mine, too.

We have found 1 :)

and GilbertP ...I am glad you have permission...your post just didn't sound that way

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: RE: ....Wonder how

Message 37656 in response to message 37655


....Wonder how many big rollers can say that....
I don't know what you consider to be a big roller, but I've paid for every kilowatt hour of mine, too.

We have found 1 :)

and GilbertP ...I am glad you have permission...your post just didn't sound that way

Just a gentle observation folks :)

In a civilised society people really are entitled to be treated as "innocent" until proven otherwise. I congratulate GilbertP for not taking offense in JRenkar's previous post where he actually accused GilbertP of stealing electricity.

I have reservations about making any comment at all but I feel strongly that there is an important principle of fair treatment of others at stake here. The first accusation should not have been made in the first place. However, given that it was, and given that GilbertP made no complaint and pointed out that he had permission, the matter should have either ended there or been followed up by some sort of gracious comment by JRenkar to the effect that he (JRenkar) had made a mistake with the earlier accusation.

Instead of this happening, there was an ill-considered comment to the effect that it was still GilbertP's fault because the "tone" of GilbertP's previous post was wrong and was to blame for the wrong assumption being made. GilbertP actually said,

With a little cajoling (and sometimes, rank helps) ...."

which I thought pretty clearly indicated that he had to talk his boss into it with a bit of gentle persuasion and by pulling rank. Sure, if you skim messages and miss the details, and if English isn't your native language, it would be easy to overlook the significance of this. Even more reason to be very circumspect in any otherwise flippant comments you think you should make. I really can't see how one could possibly shift the "blame" back onto GilbertP.

I'm not making a big deal out of this and nobody should interpret it that way. I just thought it was a classic example (and I can't resist classic examples :).) of how a careless comment can be quite unfair and quite hurtful. We can all very easily make careless comments and if we do make a mistake that could be hurtful to others, at least try not to compound the mistake.

Oh, and by the way ...

We have found 1 :)

... perhaps you had better make that 2!! A year ago I used some boxes owned by others (with permission). For the last 9 months, all computers crunching under my name are owned by me and I even gave myself permission to steal my own electricity :). Perhaps you don't understand that this type of flippant comment (we've only found 1) is a thinly veiled accusation that all the rest of this group of people actually steal electricity. Now I know you meant no real offense - it was just a cheap shot :). I take no offense but I can easily understand why others would.

On a positive note and to get back on topic, I would like to congratulate Bruce and the team for the very professional way that the change from S4 to S5 has been handled. They have given us useful information about the changes and have attempted to keep us informed. They seem also to have given us the sheer joy of a smooth and largely error free transition. The main issue seems to be that people are surprised, perhaps disappointed, that the new work is taking so long compared with what the specific Akos apps were able to do.

The reality is that there is 5 times the payload in an S5 "long" result and it is being crunched by an optimised app that is around 3.5 times faster than the stock S4 app but only about half the speed of the final Akos versions of the S4 app. So a very rough rule of thumb is to expect a factor of 10X to complete a "long" result and maybe a factor of 3X to 4X for short results, compared with what the Akos apps could do. And we all wish Bernd every success in his attempts to squeeze further performance gains in the future.

We should all hold onto the thought that we are all delivering scientific data to the project at a rate that is more than 3 times greater than what we were doing last Christmas. Who could have possibly predicted that and yet the project, the servers and the people behind it all, took it in their stride. Akos' contributions are immeasurable and deserve our heartfelt thanks.


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