more WUs done per day - less credit

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It's 30 per project, but as

It's 30 per project, but as long as the ratio between what the project estimates work requiring and how long it takes you to do the calculation don't change significantly the calibration will hold.

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RE: RE: "The procedure

Message 26862 in response to message 26858

"The procedure entry point ClientLibraryStartup could not be located in the dynamic link library boinc.dll."
Hmmm I must have done something wrong. ;)
Any ideas folks?

My first guess is that you may not have complied with this part of the installation instructions:
"Copy also all other files in the distribution zip archive (except of the readme files) to the main BOINC directory. Then restart BOINC again."
As the message suggests the libraries actually present in the execution directory don't contain an expected entry point.

Some of the libraries in the trux zip file have the same names, and therefore must replace, ones which your previous installation placed in that same BOINC primary directory. Depending on what unzip/copy method you used, you probably needed to say "yes" to an overwrite inquiry.

Yip I have overwritten the files. I did it twice as I thought I had made a mistake when the error came up. Only thing I can think of is that the version of boinc I have installed is not compatible with the version of truXoft. The download page at truXoft says it is version v5.3.12.tx36 but there is no such version of boinc. At present I am running dev version 5.3.28. Could this be the problem?

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RE: Yip I have overwritten

Message 26863 in response to message 26862

Yip I have overwritten the files. I did it twice as I thought I had made a mistake when the error came up. Only thing I can think of is that the version of boinc I have installed is not compatible with the version of truXoft. The download page at truXoft says it is version v5.3.12.tx36 but there is no such version of boinc. At present I am running dev version 5.3.28. Could this be the problem?

Maybe, I don't know. I imagine the safest thing to do from your starting point would be to uninstall boinc, install the standard distributed version, make sure it is running, then do the trux install over it. Seems rather a bother, but likely to be less trouble than trying to debug your existing situation. I don't recall seeing comments from people doing your particular sequence.

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Thank you. It seems to work

Thank you. It seems to work fine with ver 5.2.13 but not with 5.3.28.

Think there is maybe a typo in the version number on the truXoft download page.

Now all I have to do is complete 30 units and then see what I get credited thereafter.

Thanks again for all the info. :)


Michael Roycraft
Michael Roycraft
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RE: Yip I have overwritten

Message 26865 in response to message 26862

Yip I have overwritten the files. I did it twice as I thought I had made a mistake when the error came up. Only thing I can think of is that the version of boinc I have installed is not compatible with the version of truXoft. The download page at truXoft says it is version v5.3.12.tx36 but there is no such version of boinc. At present I am running dev version 5.3.28. Could this be the problem?


From what I've read, I think that you need to start with v5.2.12 of BOINC Client, the middle 3 must have been a typo or other mistake. Somewhere, I read that 5.2.13 is not a problem, but the gist of it seems to be that you have to start from a base of a recent production version of BOINC, not a dev (read beta) version.

Someone correct me if I'm misstating this.

Michael R.

"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK

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RE: Thank you. It seems to

Message 26866 in response to message 26864


Thank you. It seems to work fine with ver 5.2.13 but not with 5.3.28.

Think there is maybe a typo in the version number on the truXoft download page.

Now all I have to do is complete 30 units and then see what I get credited thereafter.

Thanks again for all the info. :)


You should start seeing some changes within 3 - 5 WUs. A note of caution: sometimes the initial calibration goes the wrong way at first. Be patient and wait it's worth it.

Seti Classic Final Total: 11446 WU.

Bob Guy
Bob Guy
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RE: The download page at

Message 26867 in response to message 26862


The download page at truXoft says it is version v5.3.12.tx36 but there is no such version of boinc. At present I am running dev version 5.3.28. Could this be the problem?

I think you have to use the 5.2.13 version of Boinc Manager (or a slightly earlier version). The Boinc Manager is not the Boinc client - it is a separate application. You are completely replacing the Boinc Client only. The truXoft client is made from the developer's version 5.2.12 and that is is OK - v5.2.13 is just the released version of the same code.

I installed the truXoft client some time ago for Seti and only recently set it to calibrate my Einstein WUs. It began by underclaiming credit but after about a dozen WUs began to push up the calibration so that I'm now claiming nearly the same as an unoptimized app. I'm currently running the S39L app with greatly reduced run time.

Edit - added comments

If the Boinc client stuff at Seti Beta eventually becomes implemented, the credit will be based of FLOPs instead of benchmark. All computers will get (nearly) exactly the same credit for the same amount of work as measured by the FLOP count. This will cause fast computers to claim more credit that slow computers because fast computers do more work in the same amount of time. The reason the Boinc developers didn't want to do this is that the FLOPs method will discourage the use of slow computers in a Boinc project. This will cause many people to stop running Boinc projects (on slower computers) because of the low credit returns. You can see that the Boinc projects want you to run your old slow computer, even if it gets fewer credits, because the projects are only interested in getting their work done. It remains to be seen how many people desert the Boinc projects if the FLOP counting is implemented - but I think many old slow computers will be withdrawn from crunching resulting in a net loss in Boinc computing power.

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RE: From what I've read, I

From what I've read, I think that you need to start with v5.2.12 of BOINC Client, the middle 3 must have been a typo or other mistake. Somewhere, I read that 5.2.13 is not a problem, but the gist of it seems to be that you have to start from a base of a recent production version of BOINC, not a dev (read beta) version.

I am using 5.2.13 at the moment and it is working OK.

You should start seeing some changes within 3 - 5 WUs. A note of caution: sometimes the initial calibration goes the wrong way at first. Be patient and wait it's worth it.

I will be patient. :)

My CPU benchmarks are now a lot higher than what they were. Dhrystone is roughly double what it was.

Wont take long to see if there is a difference. Using a 3GB HT CPU so I am doing 2 units roughly every 2hrs 45min. Well on the other version at least. Be interesting to see if there is a difference using this version of boinc with the truXoft.

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RE: My CPU benchmarks are

Message 26869 in response to message 26868


My CPU benchmarks are now a lot higher than what they were. Dhrystone is roughly double what it was.

Wont take long to see if there is a difference. Using a 3GB HT CPU so I am doing 2 units roughly every 2hrs 45min. Well on the other version at least. Be interesting to see if there is a difference using this version of boinc with the truXoft.

Only changing an optimized science app will show differences in WU times (over and above their normal variation). Changing the BOINC Client like you did will not have any effect.

Seti Classic Final Total: 11446 WU.

Michael Roycraft
Michael Roycraft
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RE: ... If the Boinc

Message 26870 in response to message 26867

... If the Boinc client stuff at Seti Beta eventually becomes implemented, the credit will be based of FLOPs instead of benchmark. All computers will get (nearly) exactly the same credit for the same amount of work as measured by the FLOP count. This will cause fast computers to claim more credit that slow computers because fast computers do more work in the same amount of time. The reason the Boinc developers didn't want to do this is that the FLOPs method will discourage the use of slow computers in a Boinc project. This will cause many people to stop running Boinc projects (on slower computers) because of the low credit returns. You can see that the Boinc projects want you to run your old slow computer, even if it gets fewer credits, because the projects are only interested in getting their work done. It remains to be seen how many people desert the Boinc projects if the FLOP counting is implemented - but I think many old slow computers will be withdrawn from crunching resulting in a net loss in Boinc computing power.


Wherever did you get such a bunch of malarkey??? You have the project developers doing some crazy scheming, to what end? Lay off the paranoid pills, amigo. The rationale behind FLOP counting is exactly the same as what lies behind the present system, just more accurately counted and platform-agnostic, to further level the playing field. If FLOPs are counted, a slower computer will get exactly the same credit as a faster one, per amount of work done.

"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK

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