I've currently got this WU... and it's taking forever and a day to crunch. I usually turn out Einstein WU in the 9 to 10 hour range, but this puppy is at 20 hours with 89% finished.
I haven't changed anything that I can think of on my lappy. It isn't running hot (44C) at the moment.
I did view some streaming video for about an hour a few days ago, but I doubt that it would be effecting this WU like this (if it was even crunching the day I watched that video).
Any thoughts?
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator
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Long Einstein WU?
I looked at the other hosts that processed this WU and it appears that each of them processed this WU within its normal range of CPU times for similar units. Therefore, I would suspect that the problem is on your end. Do you have any unusual messages related to this WU under your Messages tab?
P.S. - If it doesn't finish within the estimated "Time to completion", I would suggest that you "Abort" it.
RE: RE: I've currently
It did finish at around 78K seconds. This is up from my average of around 35K. I have no idea what could be going on.
COme to think of it, I did change my switch interval to 120 minutes, but that shouldn't effect the crunch time. Unless I'm losing serious time with it checkpointing. Maybe I'll go and change it back to the default 60.
::Scratches head::
So much for everything working nicely for me. I had a good 2.5 months of easy street. Time to pay my dues
***of course this is all said tounge in cheek***
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator
Kathryn, If you look at
If you look at the "Claimed credit" for the "Long WU", you'll see it is not much higher than your usual "Claimed credits". This means your benchmarks have dropped significantly. You may be having some hardware problems or maybe your computer has become infected with spyware. I would think the problem would also be showing itself on your other BOINC projects as well.
But your next WU is probably
But your next WU is probably going to be faster than these 35k ones because it's an Albert WU.
Just telling you in advance if you start wonder about it. :)
RE: I've currently got this
I just looked at your account and the previous one also took longer than normal to crunch. You say temp is ok but can you check is it running at correct speed, Most modern CPU's have thermal diode in which cuts speed, and sometimes voltage, to stop overheating.
K, I think there is
I think there is something seriously amiss
Measured floating point speed 1453.41 million ops/sec
Measured integer speed 2889 million ops/sec
are the benchmarks on my 2.8 GHz P4, if I recall correctly you did say that you were using a laptop; but, the numbers are WAY low even so.
Again, look at the ususal culprits, heat, dust, gremlins ...
Thanks. I didn't even
I didn't even think to check the benchmarks. I'll rerun them now and see how they compare.
Paul... I don't know how to do the other checks besides temp. I will do a spyware scan tho. I can do that.
Thanks everyone...
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator
Well. I did the adware scan
Well. I did the adware scan and it caught a bunch of stuff. Unfortunately it didn't help with my benchmark problem.
Maybe I'll call my brother (the computer engineering major) and see if he can help me.
Grrrr... Computers. You can't live with them, and you can't live without them.
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator
Well. One more update. I
Well. One more update.
I turned the the puter off and let it totally cool down. Now my benchmarks are back to normal.
I'm thinking it doesn't like crunching all the time anymore. Why? Who knows. Phase of the moon. It's 2006. I'm ugly. All perfectly good reasons.
I'm going to let it crunch a while longer and then check the benchmarks when the CPU is back up to normal temp.
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator
prehaps it was something as
prehaps it was something as simple as another process taking up CPU time
maybe a long virus scan or something?
or a process that got stuck/crashed and just used lots of CPU time in a never-ending cycle (and being at "normal" priority would get more CPU time than einstein)
i'd encourage you to use something like BoincView, which allows you to see if something is running slow(er)
i'd also suggest for anyone who encounters such problems to try the simple stuff first, restart BOINC, restart the computer, shutdown, unplug and let the system purge any builtup charge it may have (sounds mad i know, but it's worked for me in the past, seen it with keyboards too, some capaciter has a bad day, so you've got to short-circuit all the pins to discharge it (a key works well for this :) ), works fine after)
but BoincView will give you a good idea of what's going on :)
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