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Global Crunchers open to all persons from all countries

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Time for a quick update. *

Time for a quick update.

  • * We now have more than 62 Million credits -

That's even more science!
* We're still looking for more members!
BOINC@Australia is still after a top 25 place, very soon.

You can check out our web site by clicking on the team logo below and also have a look around our forum. You can join by clicking on the "Join.." hyperlink and follow the prompts. You can ask for assistance in the forum too.

Join us on our next "Aussie Assault". You really wont believe how much fun they are, and how addictive, until you been through the crunching frenzy.

Keith, time for a new thread yet?

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John Hunt
John Hunt
Joined: 4 Mar 05
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Remember the Aussie Assault

Remember the Aussie Assault on SETI@Home a couple of months back?

Well, we're at it again! AA5 has been mounted on
and it has turned into a fantastic struggle - BOINC@AUSTRALIA versus l'Alliance Francophone.

Here's a clip from the project news section;


06 February, 2007
It's been a while since the last news. Everything is running pretty good, and we're very satisfied. Currently there is a friendly exciting competition going on between Boinc Australia and all french speaking persons gathered in l'Alliance Francophone. Who will win is an interesting question, the French speaking guys have assembled an entire army, but the Australians are tough! Or will a third team arise and claim victory? Further more, today I rewrote part of the stats daemon, I hope it will be implemented tomorrow: stats can be updated more frequently and it contains a few bug fixes.

....and you can follow some of the battle here -

AA5 is scheduled to run until February 14th and it will be interesting to see the final result
of this David vs. Goliath face-off!

Of course, anyone can join in the fun - it's not just the race for No.1 !

Joined: 8 Aug 06
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Hallo Einstein@Home

Hallo Einstein@Home Cruncher!

Wer Lust hat in unserem Seti-Leipzig Team mitzurechnen kann sich hier anmelden:

Wenn Ihr schon ein Konto angemeldet habt, hier klicken.

Wenn Ihr noch ein Konto erstellen müsst.

Bei Fragen und Problemen zur Anmeldung einfach unser Seti Forum nutzen.

Joined: 8 Aug 06
Posts: 2
Credit: 13787
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Hallo Einstein@Home

Hallo Einstein@Home Cruncher!

Wer Lust hat in unserem Seti-Leipzig Team mitzurechnen kann sich hier anmelden:

Wenn Ihr schon ein Konto angemeldet habt, hier klicken.

Wenn Ihr noch ein Konto erstellen müsst.

Bei Fragen und Problemen zur Anmeldung einfach unser Seti Forum nutzen.

John Hunt
John Hunt
Joined: 4 Mar 05
Posts: 1227
Credit: 501906
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The Aussie Assault on

The Aussie Assault on ABC@Home is coming to an end and it has been a fantastic experience for all involved.

l'Alliance Francophone ran up nearly three million credits and us Aussies are just creeping up to the two million mark now.

At the end of the day, though, it's not just the credits - it's the enjoyment of competition, team spirit and understanding different nationalities/cultures.
The guys at AF now realise exactly what we try to achieve on these Aussie Assaults and have thanked us for showing them something extra that can be gained from BOINCing.

The head honcho on the project - Hendrik - deserves a special mention for keeping everything together while two teams of looneys went at it hammer and tongs!

Looking forward to Aussie Assault 6..........

Joined: 18 Jan 05
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Joined: 9 Feb 05
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Let me introduce the one and

Let me introduce the one and only...

BOINC@Poland is a multiproject team. We are the top Polish team overall and in most projects. Our webpage contains loads of useful materials, hot news from the BOINC world and a flourishing forum (and we do have an English topic [url=ht tp://]here[/url] - if you want to be the first guest to write there - hurry up Wink ), where no question remains without reply. B@P is #83 in the world and #57 in Einstein. And yes, we are approaching Wink
Although we are the Polish team, we invite You, wherever You come from.

Join us! You won't regret it!

BOINC@Poland jest pierwszym prawdziwie wieloprojektowym Polskim zespo³em. Umo¿liwiamy liczenie pod jedn¹ nazw¹ we wszystkich aktywnych projektach BOINC. W wiêkszoœci z nich jesteœmy na pierwszym miejscu w Polsce.
Na naszej stronie znajdziesz du¿o ciekawych materia³ów o BOINC i poszczególnych projektach, najnowsze wiadomoœci ze œwiata obliczeñ rozproszonych oraz bardzo dynamiczne forum, na którym ¿adne pytanie nie zostaje bez odpowiedzi.
Zajmujemy pierwsze miejsce w Polsce i 83. na œwiecie!
BOINC@Poland- W kwestii liczenia mamy najwiêcej do powiedzenia.

Do³¹cz, a nie po¿a³ujesz.

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