So my question is will it run other Linux version executables like our BOINC software?
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association). Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.® (Garrison Keillor) I want some more patience. RIGHT NOW!
It doesn't appeal specifically to me. But it is offering a GUI first approach to Linux. That could appeal to Windows and Mac users.
Tom M
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association). Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.® (Garrison Keillor) I want some more patience. RIGHT NOW!
It doesn't appeal specifically to me. But it is offering a GUI first approach to Linux. That could appeal to Windows and Mac users.
Tom M
That may be well and good, but if they are on here then they are likely crunching, whether it be in Linux, Windows or MAC.
As Keith said: It isn't likely modeled after any other Linux distro (I read it too and I think that is a fact), and Einstein was modeled after Debian. So it likely won't work for Einstein. I don't know what the other projects are modeled after, but also likely Debian, too.
Maybe it is not obvious, but Open-Mandriva comes from Mandriva Linux, which comes from another distro called Mandrake, and that came as is in 1998. This last one was based in Red Hat Linux 5. I toyed with it as a live-cd when it was a thing back then.
The linked article is not accurate in saying "it is not based in any other distro".
If BOINC is currently available as an RPM package for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and the derivatives from this (Fedora, et al.), Einstein will most probably work.
Just means you applied your app_info configuration. You will show local when you use local apps, IOW your own defined apps via a app_info configuration.
Here is an interesting take on the "best" Linux.
So my question is will it run other Linux version executables like our BOINC software?
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association). Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.® (Garrison Keillor) I want some more patience. RIGHT NOW!
Depends on whether is has
Depends on whether is has Boinc in its distro or whether it can be compiled for the standard Boinc codebase.
Boinc mostly is for Debian based distros which this one appears not.
Don't see the appeal when Ubuntu works and runs just fine.
Keith, It doesn't appeal
It doesn't appeal specifically to me. But it is offering a GUI first approach to Linux. That could appeal to Windows and Mac users.
Tom M
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association). Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.® (Garrison Keillor) I want some more patience. RIGHT NOW!
Tom M wrote: Keith, It
That may be well and good, but if they are on here then they are likely crunching, whether it be in Linux, Windows or MAC.
As Keith said: It isn't likely modeled after any other Linux distro (I read it too and I think that is a fact), and Einstein was modeled after Debian. So it likely won't work for Einstein. I don't know what the other projects are modeled after, but also likely Debian, too.
Proud member of the Old Farts Association
Maybe it is not obvious, but
Maybe it is not obvious, but Open-Mandriva comes from Mandriva Linux, which comes from another distro called Mandrake, and that came as is in 1998. This last one was based in Red Hat Linux 5. I toyed with it as a live-cd when it was a thing back then.
The linked article is not accurate in saying "it is not based in any other distro".
If BOINC is currently available as an RPM package for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and the derivatives from this (Fedora, et al.), Einstein will most probably work.
Went to Christmas dinner with
Went to Christmas dinner with friends. Came home to a frozen computer and all the app names had "local:" appended to the front of the name.
Was able to reboot and it's crunching again, but the app name change persists.
Host link
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.
Just means you applied your
Just means you applied your app_info configuration. You will show local when you use local apps, IOW your own defined apps via a app_info configuration.