I got an A770 for testing on BOINC and am currently running Gamma-ray tasks on it. Times are pretty steady around 460 seconds, with the card power-throttled at 140W.
Has anyone tried to run two tasks in tandem on these? Gamma-ray has always benefitted from this in my experience, on almost every card I've tried over the years. Yet on the A770 two tasks quickly crash the entire system. This isn't exclusive to Einstein either; I tried it on SRBase as well and same behaviour.
I got an A770 for testing on BOINC and am currently running Gamma-ray tasks on it. Times are pretty steady around 460 seconds, with the card power-throttled at 140W.
Has anyone tried to run two tasks in tandem on these?
I see you are running under Windows 10. Have you tried different drivers to get two tasks to run? The ARC GPU drivers are a work in progress. So another version might do the trick.
And have you tried the "open up the memory" trick [don't remember its official name] (assumes MB/Cpu support that after you set the "Above 4G" on in the MB bios)?
Tom M
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
I see you are running under Windows 10. Have you tried different drivers to get two tasks to run? The ARC GPU drivers are a work in progress. So another version might do the trick.
I have the latest driver installed ( I haven't yet tried rolling back or anything, but the previous driver (don't recall what it was) definitely had the same issue. Are there any specific versions that are known to work?
Tom M wrote:
And have you tried the "open up the memory" trick [don't remember its official name] (assumes MB/Cpu support that after you set the "Above 4G" on in the MB bios)?
[AF>EDLS wrote:zOU]My Intel
A few of these Intel ARC GPU's could make a serious dent in the remaining BRP4 data no?
Since those are the only GPU's allowed to run this search ATM
[AF>EDLS wrote:zOU] My Intel
looks like it does OK for FGRPB1G. ~665k ppd
but it has a very high invalid rate on BRP4. ~27% invalid.
Ian&Steve C. wrote:looks like
If only I could find why it has invalid tasks that would be great....
Are the invalids against different os? Or cards?
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
I got an A770 for testing on
I got an A770 for testing on BOINC and am currently running Gamma-ray tasks on it. Times are pretty steady around 460 seconds, with the card power-throttled at 140W.
Has anyone tried to run two tasks in tandem on these? Gamma-ray has always benefitted from this in my experience, on almost every card I've tried over the years. Yet on the A770 two tasks quickly crash the entire system. This isn't exclusive to Einstein either; I tried it on SRBase as well and same behaviour.
Azmodes wrote: I got an A770
I see you are running under Windows 10. Have you tried different drivers to get two tasks to run? The ARC GPU drivers are a work in progress. So another version might do the trick.
And have you tried the "open up the memory" trick [don't remember its official name] (assumes MB/Cpu support that after you set the "Above 4G" on in the MB bios)?
Tom M
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
Check the GPU load with MSI
Check the GPU load with MSI afterburner and decide if there is any headroom for a 2nd WU ?
Tom M wrote:I see you are
I have the latest driver installed ( I haven't yet tried rolling back or anything, but the previous driver (don't recall what it was) definitely had the same issue. Are there any specific versions that are known to work?
Resizable BAR? Yes, it's supported and enabled.
[AF>EDLSzOU wrote:Check the
There is, but headroom or not, hardly useful if the system crashes after a minute.
Ok I missed this
Ok I missed this sentence.
Maybe use GPU-Z and log to file the sensors
Then you can re open the log after a reboot and maybe identify something ?
Or use afterburner/arc control to tweak power/frequency ?