New graphics build

John Persichilli
John Persichilli
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Well, here I am again with

Well, here I am again with the Boinc Manager not loading due to some issue with the permissions:

gui_rpc_auth.cfg exists but can't be read. Check the file permissions

My Boinc Manager screensaver was working well. Then yesterday I upgraded my Ubuntu from 20.04lts to Ubuntu 20.10.

So, how do I fix this?



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John Persichilli

John Persichilli wrote:

gui_rpc_auth.cfg exists but can't be read. Check the file permissions

So, how do I fix this?

Ctrl + Alt + t

sudo systemctl --no-pager stop boinc-client.service


cd ..

cd ..

cd etc/boinc-client/

chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=r gui_rpc_auth.cfg


Bobby Conger
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Oliver: I have noticed in


I have noticed in the last couple of days, the Gamma Ray tasks leave the "show graphics" button and I can occasionally get the star globe, but when there are tasks other than the Gamma Ray searches, the "show graphics" is grayed out.  I have written to the problems board of BOINC and cannot get a reply.

I see in the html file that you sent me it shows the state of the graphics as "false".  Should this be set to "true"?  If so, can I edit this file, if I can find it, and reset this state?



Oliver Behnke
Oliver Behnke
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Hi Bobby, > but when there

Hi Bobby,

> but when there are tasks other than the Gamma Ray searches, the "show graphics" is grayed out

Well, sure. As discussed earlier not all tasks do provide graphics. The button will be grayed out, depending on the task running, the task selected and the overall suspension state (see below).

> I see in the html file that you sent me it shows the state of the graphics as "false".

What HTML file are you referring to? Do you mean the link to the BOINC source code I gave you above? No you can't (and shouldn't) change that. It was just meant for informational purposes since some in this community are code-savvy. The code shows the logic that controls the "Show Graphics" button's state.


Einstein@Home Project

Bobby Conger
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Oliver: The screen saver


The screen saver worked very well for a couple of weeks, but now I get a quick screen that says it is loading the screen saver, then a brief flash of the BOINC screen, and a quick flash of the star globe, and it goes back to the loading BOINC page.  Any suggestions?


Oliver Behnke
Oliver Behnke
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Hi Bobby,sorry but no.

Hi Bobby,

sorry but no. This seems to be a very individual problem that could be caused by any combination of things, from your operating system over the GPU/driver to BOINC, its screensaver, its config or our graphics app. I'm afraid, our app doesn't seem to be at fault here, since it doesn't do any magic as soon as it runs - and it has proven to be working on your system. I can only advise to follow my and other community member's numerous earlier suggestions, in particular to check all the involved config settings and BOINC's internal logging. Hope that will be of any help.


Einstein@Home Project

John Persichilli
John Persichilli
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Here I go again Gals and

Here I go again Gals and Guys!

Now, having updated BOINC Manager to the latest version for Ubuntu 20.10 to 7.16.16, pushing the “Show Graphics” button on any of the 4 running tasks, nothing happens. That is, no starsphere. So, what am I now missing?


A Dell Inspiron 5737 notebook computer

Ubuntu 20.10 64bit

wxWidgets version 3.0.5

Computing Preferences are local

Running with a Genuine Intel Core i7 4500 U CPU @ 1.8 GHz 4 cores

Intel HD graphics 4400 (HSW GT2)


1.0 TB HDD


GNOME Version 3.38.3


Windows Version X11


Display 1600 x 900 (16:9) Highest available

Refresh Rate 60.1 Hz

Bobby Conger
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Oliver: I not really adept


I not really adept at programming.  What files should I be looking at to find an anomaly?  Could I uninstall and reinstall BOINC?


Oliver Behnke
Oliver Behnke
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John Persichilli

John Persichilli wrote:

pushing the “Show Graphics” button on any of the 4 running tasks, nothing happens

Just to understand better: "pushing" here means that a) you selected a task with graphics support so that b) the "Show Graphics" button was indeed enabled?


Einstein@Home Project

Oliver Behnke
Oliver Behnke
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Bobby Conger wrote: What

Bobby Conger wrote:

What files should I be looking at to find an anomaly?  Could I uninstall and reinstall BOINC?

You should first check the BOINC client and screensaver settings to see that they fit your needs. See previous replies to your posts (incl. screenshots).

In terms of logging you want to check BOINC's Event Log and make sure the scrsave_debug flag is enabled (via Event Log Diagnostic Flags from the Advanced menu).

You may of cause try and reinstall (the latest version) of BOINC to see if it fixes things but I'm not very confident that'll help. Again, there can be a large number of factors at play here and fixing the issue requires a detailed analysis that we can't provide beyond what we've already tried.


Einstein@Home Project

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