what are credits for?

Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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I am eager to continue

I am eager to continue !....

Dear Gary, thank you for all your instructions, just now i reinstalled 4.45 Boinc, because i didn't find any trace of it in my folders, yes i think the engineer has used only the windows to uninstall it, anyway i checked my account in Einstein and Seti, and my preferences, they were intact and the same , and on Boinc Manager i found exactly the same features than before. I know that with an XP the Boinc would be sluggy , and perhaps i would have my speed slower, but it doesn't matter, the only thing which is very important to me is to see my 00 credits transformed in some "natural numbers"(LOL).For the moment i don't know what to do more , am i already attached to some project or should i select a project ?



Michael Roycraft
Michael Roycraft
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RE: I am eager to

Message 17259 in response to message 17258


I am eager to continue !....

Dear Gary, thank you for all your instructions, just now i reinstalled 4.45 Boinc, because i didn't find any trace of it in my folders, yes i think the engineer has used only the windows to uninstall it, anyway i checked my account in Einstein and Seti, and my preferences, they were intact and the same , and on Boinc Manager i found exactly the same features than before. I know that with an XP the Boinc would be sluggy , and perhaps i would have my speed slower, but it doesn't matter, the only thing which is very important to me is to see my 00 credits transformed in some "natural numbers"(LOL).For the moment i don't know what to do more , am i already attached to some project or should i select a project ?


Hi, Ariane

I have just now checked your status, and it shows that your computer has downloaded a Work Unit, about one hour ago, so it seems that your are on your way! If you double-click on the boinc icon in your system tray ( the lower right corner of your screen, a blue circle with stylized "B") the BOINC manager window should open. Check the "Work" tab, and you it should show a work unit, status "running", with "CPU Time" amd "Progress" incrementing, and "To Completion" decrementing.

As Gary has said, it now should be only a matter of your computer being able to devote an average or at least 5 hours/day to crunching. Your Compaq laptop should be capable of this if you leave it plugged in to electricity, otherwise battery usage may become problematic.

The pen drive that Gary spoke of is a small (maybe 8 cm long) storage device, approx the size of a car key, and probable extremely rare there in Persia, "poisonous Western technology" and all, but maybe something that a friend or relative could bring into the country when next they visit you.

Good luck


"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: ... the only thing

Message 17260 in response to message 17258

... the only thing which is very important to me is to see my 00 credits transformed in some "natural numbers"(LOL).For the moment i don't know what to do more , am i already attached to some project or should i select a project ?

There is nothing more for you to do - you've done it all!!! As Michael has announced, you are on the map and crunching away!!! If you go to your account on the EAH webpage and view your results you will see that you have work in progress.

Now it is time for you to play with the Boinc Manager window as Michael has instructed. You will also remember when we first got started how I mentioned about the benchmarks. I didn't actually record your benchmark numbers when I first looked but from memory the floating point number was about 320 and the Integer number was about 500+. Now these numbers have changed on the website so new benchmarks have been taken as part of your new installation. The two numbers are 311/394 and I'm just wondering if the second number might be a bit low.

Somewhere in the Boinc Manager window there will be an option to "Run Benchmarks". On mine, it's on the "File" menu but it may be elsewhere on your later version. If you click on that option it will do the benchmarks again and report the results in the messages window. It only takes a minute or two and if you have no other programs running and you don't touch your mouse until it finishes, it should give the best results. I'd be interested in seeing if it makes any improvement.

Then of course both Michael and I are dying to know the time estimates that Michael has mentioned. If you could report those I'd be most interested.

As a final comment I'd like to offer my sincere congratulations to you for "mastering the technology" and getting your system into production. It must have been difficult for you but you have come through like a true champion. Well Done!!!


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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Ariane, One further point.


One further point. Michael has mentioned about battery usage. Older laptops often have batteries that don't hold charge well so I imagine you might already be in the habit of being permanently connected to mains power anyway. Running EAH will use a lot of power so I would think you will need to leave it plugged into the mains at all times. Do you do that now? Also how long each day do you intend to allow your machine to run whilst crunching for Einstein?

Also remember that your perseverance has probably been monitored by quite a few people who would have wondered if you would ever get to this point. So your duty now is to come back from time to time and report your progress and please don't hesitate to ask questions because there are many helpful people out there only too willing to help.

You are now a true Cruncher!! Welcome to the crunching club!!


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: ... anyway i checked my

Message 17262 in response to message 17258

... anyway i checked my account in Einstein and Seti ...

Oooppppsss!!! I didn't notice this previously and it just suddenly dawned on me that you mentioned two projects, EAH and Seti. Sure enough when I went and checked you out at Seti, there you are crunching there as well!! So you will have to leave your machine on 10 hours a day now unless you give EAH a bit more than half share :).

What's the saying .... in for a penny, in for a pound .... or maybe it's just .... Beggar for Punishment ... :).


Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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A True Cruncher ! Hurrah

A True Cruncher ! Hurrah !

Dear Gary and Michael , thank you for admitting me to Crunchers Club, it'S an honor for me to contribute in Scientific progress. About the batteries, don't worry i never use them , im always plugged in power. If you want you can use more than half for Einstein , because i owe everything to Cafe Einstein which accepted me with my 0.00 credits and letted me post all my "thoughts"(LOL), and i'm grateful for all of this : Captain Avatar who made my fabulous avatar which i adore , Chipper with his patience before my eccentric discussions and all the other friends. I'm very happy belonging to a scientific club. Grace to Chipper, i'm working on my Calculus courses . Cafe Einstein has been the most exciting experience i had during my 1.5 year of surf and discovering on internet .

By the way how can i check my progress ? Do my PC is useful now and do works are done in spite of my still 0.00 credits ?



Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
Joined: 30 Aug 05
Posts: 347
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RE: A True

Message 17264 in response to message 17263


A True Cruncher ! Hurrah !

Dear Gary and Michael , thank you for admitting me to Crunchers Club, it'S an honor for me to contribute in Scientific progress. About the batteries, don't worry i never use them , im always plugged in power. If you want you can use more than half for Einstein , because i owe everything to Cafe Einstein which accepted me with my 0.00 credits and letted me post all my "thoughts"(LOL), and i'm grateful for all of this : Captain Avatar who made my fabulous avatar which i adore , Chipper with his patience before my eccentric discussions and all the other friends. I'm very happy belonging to a scientific club. Grace to Chipper, i'm working on my Calculus courses . Cafe Einstein has been the most exciting experience i had during my 1.5 year of surf and discovering on internet .

By the way how can i check my progress ? Do my PC is useful now and do works are done in spite of my still 0.00 credits ?


Ah ! OK , now i think i found something : i clicked the work box on BOINC Manager and i found these :CPU tim alway running for seti , progress 4.20 % , with Einstein 0.70 % , while for Seti is running for Einstein is Preempted , anyway i think something is working , and crunching , WOW ! it's enough for me.



Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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Ariane, I see you have


I see you have created your own thread in the Cafe and this is good. I'll make future responses there. As you have said that you always run on mains power, are you going to run your computer all the time? If you were you should have no problem handling both projects.

Your first result on EAH terminated with a client error and perhaps this was associated with running the graphics as Stick suggested. To see if this is true, leave the graphics off for the moment and see if your machine then progresses normally. The graphics will take valuable cpu cycles away from the science project so to maximise your science output it is best to leave the graphics off.
If no further client errors occur, the reason for the first may have been graphics related.

Each hour that your machine runs, BOINC should switch between Seti and EAH quite automatically. When that happens you will see a message about it in the messages window and you will see under the work tab that one project is suspended or preempted and the other is running and this will change back and forth. This is perfectly normal BOINC behaviour. If you see a message you don't understand, you can always look it up in the wiki. If you follow this link you will be on the main page of the Wiki and you can type in the keywords from the message into the search box and this should find all references to messages where these keywords are used. They will be presented as a list and you can click on the most appropriate looking "hit" to get the full details about the message.

By doing this regularly, your knowledge and understanding of what is going on are bound to improve. At first it might seem like "geek" words are being answered by even more "geek" and "nerd" words but you have shown a capacity to persevere and assimilate knowledge so I'm sure you will eventually "get there" :).

As an example of what to do now that you have a client error for your first EAH result, try out the following:-

Go to your account on the website and click "view" results.
Click on the ResultID for the result listed as "Client error"
You will get a page of info about the result including the actual error message
Here is part of yours:-

core_client_version 4.45
message WU download error: couldn't get input files:
file_xfer_error - file_name - l1_1097.5
error code -200

So now we have enough information to chase this up in the Wiki. The keywords in the message are "WU download error" so type those into the search box and click "search". You will get a list of 20 "hits" displayed. They are all numbered so check out each numbered line and notice how #2 has the exact words!! So click on the text of the title line #2. You will get a page of examples of where this message turns up. Read the page and try to get a feel for the format and for how the information is presented. Try to find an example that exactly matches your error message. And there it is, the second example with this heading:-

"Unrecoverable Error - WU Download Error: Couldn't Get Input Files - Code -200"

Now you can read a line by line explanation of the message. After that you will see further links including one to the "error codes". If you follow that link you will get a table of error codes which hopefully might tell you more about the precise nature of the error. In this case the code -200 is listed as " wrong size"

So having digested all of the above, here is my best guess as to what caused your client error:-

When you first installed BOINC, a large (6-8MB) data file has to be downloaded from the server. In your case, the name of this file is "l1_1097.5" as shown in the error message. Once that file is downloaded, the actual work units that you crunch have to be "sliced out" from this data file using small sets of instructions that are sent by the server each time you need new work. You received the small "instructions" but there was a problem in sending the large data file and you only got part of it ("wrong size"). This would probably be due to the nature of your internet connection. Maybe things are a bit "unreliable" with internet connections in Tehran :). By the way, what sort of connection do you have? Maybe you accidently terminated the connection. So if the transfer of the large data file didn't go to completion then the work unit would "error out" and you would get the sort of message you did.

I hasten to add that this is all just surmise on my part based on a quick look at what is freely available for me to see. I haven't actually come across this problem previously so I don't know if my analysis is correct.

Since the second work unit is now listed as crunching away, I assume that eventually BOINC sorted out the problem itself and finished off the download of the large data file. By clicking on the second result I can see that it is indeed sliced from the same large data file and not a different one.

See if you can follow all the above commentary. If you can, it should help you learn the skills you need to start understanding the messages that come along from time to time.

Good luck!!!


Michael Roycraft
Michael Roycraft
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RE: Ariane, See if you can

Message 17266 in response to message 17265



See if you can follow all the above commentary. If you can, it should help you learn the skills you need to start understanding the messages that come along from time to time.

Good luck!!!

Congratulations, Gary!!!

I see that you have accepted Paul's offer to become a Forum Moderator and Project Developer, as I was hoping you would. Your patient and informative manner are well-suited for the role. You and several others here have been instrumental in enlarging the tiny islet of understanding in my vast sea of ignorance.

Thank you very much.


"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: I see that you have

Message 17267 in response to message 17266


I see that you have accepted Bruce's offer to become a Forum Moderator and Project Developer, as I was hoping you would. Your patient and informative manner are well-suited for the role. You and several others here have been instrumental in enlarging the tiny islet of understanding in my vast sea of ignorance.

Thank you very much.



I like the eloquence of your "tiny islet" metaphor :). You actually sell yourself far too short as you came up with some really good points yourself. Thank you for your assistance and thank you for your kind words.

I accepted Bruce's offer simply because it meant I could still do exactly what I have been doing without any change and that suited me fine. I'm very happy with this project and I enjoy giving assistance if I know the answer to something. Unfortunately I still have a lot to learn but one of the things that I know absolutely for certain is that "the best way to understand something yourself is to try to explain it to someone else". I learned that valuable lesson a long time ago.

Now that Ariane has started her own thread, I hope you will continue to drop by and offer helpful advice.


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