what are credits for?

Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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RE: RE: What do you

Message 17238 in response to message 17236

What do you think? Shall we give it a go?

I'd say you're expecting even more miracles than she is.

-Mrs. anon

(Rolling on the floor), oh Mrs. anon, too funny, too funny !


Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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RE: RE: RE: All my best

Message 17239 in response to message 17234

All my best for science !
He said :" Ah ! yes it was boinc, i removed it". I said : "Oh!all i'v done to improve the memory of my pc was for Boinc and you removed it ?" - "yes i remove it . You know this pc is very old, you should buy a new one with strong memory " . - "Ah , OK , Thank You !".

Ariane: [url=http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore.woa/72603/wo/yN5RTgrEZkLH2PINkA72Spsixsp/] Here [/url/] is what you need.


C, very nice of you and thanks a lot for your kindness and reply , i will try this link to see what can i do with , anyway i will inform you about my endeavours.

Dear C, things where i live are not very simple or obvious like in EU or US, i live in Tehran and i can't have access to any europeen or american store to order the items i need. Here we have not credit cards and we never use this sort of operations for our business .Laptops are very few here and this one is just a gift from my cousin living in Netherland dating from 2000 , a compaq presario she wanted throw away in Utrecht, but suddenly , in one of her trips to tehran, she remembered me having not any computer, so that is the tail of my pc . Anyway i'll follow the instructions of Gary and "coute que coute" i will keep dearly this pc with all its characteristics and i will find a way to improve its memory .



Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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RE: RE: RE: Yesterday i

Message 17240 in response to message 17237

Yesterday i brought my PC to an engineer, seller of pc s, to install another 64 mb of RAM ....


I am truly very sorry that you have encountered all the difficulties you describe.

Yes, your PC is old and slow any many would say that it should be put to sleep permanently. However, if we adopted this attitude in all things, we may as well put down our favourite cat or dog when it starts to get on a bit in years. I looked carefully at the benchmarks produced by your machine and yes it probably would have taken close to 3 days to finish an EAH result but that is still well within the deadline even if you only ran your machine 8-10 hours per day.

What I was trying to do was suggest the easiest and cheapest minor upgrade to allow your machine to start to contribute. The contribution you could make is just as valuable as anyone elses and if your machine could be setup to start crunching, I am sure you would feel very good about it. Here are some further suggestions for you. Please don't be disheartened.

I noticed you were running WinXP SP2 and that you had completed the BOINC benchmarks. To get XP SP2 onto your hard disk, to get BOINC installed and running to the point where it actually completed and reported back the benchmark results for all to see is a tremendous achievement on its own. Did you do this yourself or did you get someone to help you? There can't be too much wrong with your hard disk if it was able to handle the XP and Boinc installs. It's rather unbelievable that someone would want to undo all that to go back to Win98. A much better option would be to remove some of the bloat from WinXP and take advantage of a much more stable operating environment. It also depends too on whether your file system is NTFS or FAT32 as to how easy it would be to go back to Win98. So here is a question. Can you still boot into WinXP and do you know if your file system is NTFS or FAT32? Also what is your hard disk size? To do this double click on "My Computer", right click on the hard disk icon (C:) and select properties. You will then be able to see the file system type, the used space and the free space. As long as you have around 500meg or more free space you will be fine to run Einstein.

We'll take this in nice easy stages. Post back if you can successfully do the above. Also let us know if you have a friend or relative who knows how to remove the screws to allow you to open your case. I can send you in the mail a stick of ram that could be plugged into your machine if you can find someone to undo the case. Plugging in a RAM stick is exactly the same degree of difficulty as plugging in your electric kettle into the power socket in the wall. The only possible difficulty which sometimes happens with older machines is that there might be particular slots that have to be used or particular jumpers or switches that have to be set to change the RAM configuration. If you send me the precise model number of your machine (do you have the original manual for it?) then I'm sure I can find it on the internet.

What do you think? Shall we give it a go?

Oh Gary, thank you for your care and attention, don't worry for what happened yesterday ,it was a very good experience for me , because the engineer showed me what is a RAM and where it should be installed and i had asked him a lot of questions about the mecanism of computer very instructive to me and it was also an occasion to encounter people in the city i live in,Tehran.
I will check now my hard disc' s possibilities and will inform you later but you asked me questions about my file system i don't know at all , anyway and fortunately the engineer didn't change my windows XP, because he couldn't or he hadn't time, and i have always my windows XP professional.
No Gary , i have no one to help me in what it could be (en quoi que ce soit), i do everything myself or when needed i buy services from technicians, that 's all, not any friend and not any relative .
By the way you said that i completed the Boinc benchmarks ....tremendous achivement on its own.... WOW ! Has my PC done something extraordinary or i've done something amazing without knowing it? Anyway i don't know what are benchmarks, but i want becoming familiar with this language, i mean the language of computer and science.
I will go checking the properties of my hard disc ...


Dear Gary, i'v done all you told me : my file system is FAT 32, the used space on local disk is 3.79 GB , the free space is 741 MB , the capacity is 4.51 GB.
By the way , do you think if i transfer my pictures and paintings files to yahoo briefcase for example , the local disk would be lightened ? Or there are other programs which have taken so many space, like for example my yahoo messenger with voice etc, apart this i have really nothing extraordinary in my pc, nothing special like video or music downloaded, i wonder what have occupied so many space on my disk ?


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: Oh Gary, thank you

Message 17241 in response to message 17237


Oh Gary, thank you for your care and attention, don't worry for what happened yesterday ,it was a very good experience for me , because the engineer showed me what is a RAM and where it should be installed and i had asked him a lot of questions about the mecanism of computer very instructive to me and it was also an occasion to encounter people in the city i live in,Tehran.

That's very good. I'm glad you know what the RAM stick looks like now. Do you remember how many spare slots you had where you could plug in new RAM modules?
The other alternative would be to take out the existing module and replace it with one of bigger capacity - either 128mb or 256mb. The shopowner didn't happen to mention the maximum size (megabyte capacity) of module that you could use did he by any chance?


I will check now my hard disc' s possibilities and will inform you later but you asked me questions about my file system i don't know at all , anyway and fortunately the engineer didn't change my windows XP, because he couldn't or he hadn't time, and i have always my windows XP professional.
No Gary , i have no one to help me in what it could be (en quoi que ce soit), i do everything myself or when needed i buy services from technicians, that 's all, not any friend and not any relative.

I've seen your later message and you now know you have the FAT32 filesystem. I was hoping it might have been NTFS but not to worry. FAT32 is older and not as robust as NTFS but it will do fine. Did you install XP yourself or did your cousin do it before taking the computer to you in Tehran?


By the way you said that i completed the Boinc benchmarks ....tremendous achivement on its own.... WOW ! Has my PC done something extraordinary or i've done something amazing without knowing it? Anyway i don't know what are benchmarks, but i want becoming familiar with this language, i mean the language of computer and science.

I think it's quite impressive that you had the courage to download BOINC in the first place and to successfully install it and then to get BOINC to attach the Einstein project successfully to the point where your computer is registered (and visible to people like me) and BOINC has run part of its software (called the benchmark routines or simply benchmarks) which has determined the approximate speed and capabilities of your computer. These results are published on the website so that people like me can advise you on the suitability of your system. They are also used in working out how much work to download and to give estimates of completion and to work out the credit due, etc.

Do you remember doing all that and seeing the announcement that the benchmarks were running? After the benchmarks had finished running there would have been messages on your screen giving the results and then probably some further message advising you that there was not sufficient memory to run the EAH project or something like that.

You mentioned that the shopowner had removed BOINC from your computer. Do you still have the original installation file? If so we can easily install it again. More later ....


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: Dear Gary, i'v done

Message 17242 in response to message 17240


Dear Gary, i'v done all you told me : my file system is FAT 32, the used space on local disk is 3.79 GB , the free space is 741 MB , the capacity is 4.51 GB.
By the way , do you think if i transfer my pictures and paintings files to yahoo briefcase for example , the local disk would be lightened ? Or there are other programs which have taken so many space, like for example my yahoo messenger with voice etc, apart this i have really nothing extraordinary in my pc, nothing special like video or music downloaded, i wonder what have occupied so many space on my disk ?

You are doing very well at getting on top of managing your system. It's not surprising that Windows has gobbled up 3.79Gb. Windows has a tendency to do that. It might be a good idea to do a few automated procedures first. If you repeat the procedure for finding your disk size as you reported above, you will notice a button called "Disk Cleanup" which you can click on. The next screen shows a number of types of temporary files that windows tends to accumulate. Maybe the shopowner has already cleaned them out but if he didn't then you can tell windows to do it for you and this may retrieve some space for you. "Disk Cleanup" is on the "General" tab of your disk properties window. After you finish this you could go to the "Tools" tab where you will find "error checking" and "defragmentation" options. If you select error checking, ("check now" option) it will offer you two further tick boxes. Select them both as you want to check and fix any problems with FAT32 (1st option) and you also want to make sure the recording surface of your disk will read and write data OK (2nd option). The second option is likely to take quite a while but you should do it in view of the shopowner suggesting there might be some problem with your hard disk. When you do these checks you should not have any other programs running, just windows itself. Let us know what is reported back and we will take it from there.

Good luck!!


Michael Roycraft
Michael Roycraft
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Just a little more to add to

Message 17243 in response to message 17242

Just a little more to add to Gary's fine advice..


Dear Gary, i'v done all you told me : my file system is FAT 32, the used space on local disk is 3.79 GB , the free space is 741 MB , the capacity is 4.51 GB.

You are doing very well at getting on top of managing your system. It's not surprising that Windows has gobbled up 3.79Gb. Windows has a tendency to do that....

If Windows XP had been on your system for months, it will use a great deal of disk space with System Restore points. Windows creates these snapshots of your system registry whenever a program is installed, and every few days regardless of install or uninstall activity, called "system checks", that can accumulate to at least .25GB of disk space, and often much more. (Here, I am assuming that your machine has had no catastrophy in the last 3-4 days, such as would cause you to NEED to go back to a more distant restore point) If everything is running fine now, you may safely retain just the most recent restore point and delete all previous ones. (see below)

"If you repeat the procedure for finding your disk size as you reported above, you will notice a button called "Disk Cleanup" which you can click on. The next screen shows a number of types of temporary files that windows tends to accumulate... "Disk Cleanup" is on the "General" tab of your disk properties window..."

While you have the "Disk Cleanup" box up, click on the "More Options" tab, and at the bottom of that box will be a "System Restore" section. Click on the "Cleanup" button there and confirm that you wish to delete all but the most recent restore point. Depending upon how long WinXP has been on your system and how much disk space has been allocated for it's use, deleting all but the most recent restore point can recover quite a lot of disk space.
Good luck!!


"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: Just a little more to

Message 17244 in response to message 17243

Just a little more to add to Gary's fine advice..


Thanks very much for chiming in here. You are quite right to suggest deleting the excessive restore points as that is likely to reclaim much valuable disk space for Ariane.


Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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RE: RE: Just a little

Message 17245 in response to message 17244

Just a little more to add to Gary's fine advice..


Thanks very much for chiming in here. You are quite right to suggest deleting the excessive restore points as that is likely to reclaim much valuable disk space for Ariane.

Dear Gary and Michael, thank you for all your care and attention, just now i will spend the afternoon on working on what you suggested me, after that what i'm able to do is to call the same engineer and ask him if he can find me a RAM fitting my PC, in that case i'll add some 128 MB , less or more...
Gary, it was another engineer who installed the XP windows last year, of course after 2 times crashes which happened before .



Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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Ariane, I've been doing a


I've been doing a bit of searching and I see there are Compaq Presario V 2000 laptops and Compaq Presario 2000 series desktops. Can you please tell us whether you have a laptop or a desktop and what the precise model number is thanks.


Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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RE: Ariane, I've been

Message 17247 in response to message 17246



I've been doing a bit of searching and I see there are Compaq Presario V 2000 laptops and Compaq Presario 2000 series desktops. Can you please tell us whether you have a laptop or a desktop and what the precise model number is thanks.

Dear Gary, as i know my Compaq is a laptops , a personal portable computer. This is what is written on its Quick Restore CD : Compaq Presario Model 1685/1690 , on the bottom on CD : 1999 CompaQ Computer Corporation.

Also on the System of my Windows i found : Microsoft Windows XP Professional , version 2002 , Service Pack 2 . And for Computer : AMD-K6[tm]3D processor 381 MHz, 64.0 MB of RAM .

Now i don't know where i can find more about my computer (portable) characteristics, i 'm even not sure if it is 2000 or 1999 .


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