Milestones VI

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RE: *150 million* My


*150 million*

My 660Ti SC decided to misbehave last night so I sort of cleaned the dust out but might actually have to turn it off for a few minutes so I can pull out the beast and remove the cover and check for more dust.......and for some reason it doesn't like PrecisionX so the fan settings never work right and it has been reinstalled a couple times.

It has the 3 year warranty but they usually come up with an excuse so I won't be trying that.

I've done 4 or 5 video card RMAs (all but one nVidia) and never had a problem getting something working back.

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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RE: I just added this to my

Nice one Mikey.....and its HP like my others.

I like the larger case like that so you know the video card will fit but might need a different PSU unless you have one sitting next to it like I do.

I don't think the wife will let me add a new one yet though


I've done 4 or 5 video card RMAs (all but one nVidia) and never had a problem getting something working back.

I only have had good luck with my PSU's and since they are lifetime I save the box and receipt.

Maximilian Mieth
Maximilian Mieth
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3M! And my laptop is still

3M! And my laptop is still crunching :)

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RE: RE: I just added this


Nice one Mikey.....and its HP like my others.

I like the larger case like that so you know the video card will fit but might need a different PSU unless you have one sitting next to it like I do.

I don't think the wife will let me add a new one yet though


I've done 4 or 5 video card RMAs (all but one nVidia) and never had a problem getting something working back.

I only have had good luck with my PSU's and since they are lifetime I save the box and receipt.

The pc comes with a 650 psu but I don't think it's a standard one, this is an off lease business machine and the psu is behind a long narrow box at the bottom of the pc that I haven't opened yet.

The one other thing I have to do yet is add more memory, it only comes with 8gb by the specs say it has 8 slots and I have 2 4gb ddr-3 unused memory chips I will put in. That should make it run a bit better when crunching on all those cores.

Over the years I too have had more than one or two psu's die on me, and have never sent one back successfully! Even the 'lifetime' warranty folks have told me running it 24/7 is not how they designed it to run and it's my fault it died! Maybe I got a lousy tech, maybe I was jut unlucky, but now I buy psu's on sale, with little to no regard for brand, with the expectation of replacing them one day. I also buy only 750 or 850 watt ones, that gives me plenty of overhead so the psu isn't running at full output power all the time. And yes each machine has it's own psu.

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RE: 3M! And my laptop is

3M! And my laptop is still crunching :)


MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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RE: I only have had good


I only have had good luck with my PSU's and since they are lifetime I save the box and receipt.

The pc comes with a 650 psu but I don't think it's a standard one, this is an off lease business machine and the psu is behind a long narrow box at the bottom of the pc that I haven't opened yet.

The one other thing I have to do yet is add more memory, it only comes with 8gb by the specs say it has 8 slots and I have 2 4gb ddr-3 unused memory chips I will put in. That should make it run a bit better when crunching on all those cores.

Over the years I too have had more than one or two psu's die on me, and have never sent one back successfully! Even the 'lifetime' warranty folks have told me running it 24/7 is not how they designed it to run and it's my fault it died! Maybe I got a lousy tech, maybe I was jut unlucky, but now I buy psu's on sale, with little to no regard for brand, with the expectation of replacing them one day. I also buy only 750 or 850 watt ones, that gives me plenty of overhead so the psu isn't running at full output power all the time. And yes each machine has it's own psu.

I get the *ULTRA X3 and X4* PSU's and it was always on sale (they say that it is anyway) but I got those pretty much cheaper than any other parts.

The 850 watt is the most (they are those *Bronze rated PSU's)

I registered mine right away and I had to return a few of them and they did it every time......but then I never mentioned they are Boinc Crunchers

And as I mentioned you can use these PSU's to run one entire box and also use it to run the video card in one next to it that just uses the stock 300 watt PSU for the MB and gets the card power from the other pc's PSU

So I have 4 of those PSU's that could run the GeForce cards in 8 seperate pc's

I was using 2 to run 4 for quite a while but I had one 650Ti in a cheap-o pc that died from a HD problem and after trying several times to install a new one and find the drivers it still kept crashing so I just gave up on it and put it in my stash parts collection.

So I have these 6 running but if one of those dies on me I will build a new one the same way I always a cheap one with a good CPU an MB and add the rest.

I am supposed to get a couple 8GB ram stick tomorrow but I think they screwed up the shipping so I either sit in my car down the road where the mailboxes are since I don't have a mail box or wait for them to tell me it was returned by our local USPS goofball.

It was supposed to be delivered via UPS

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RE: RE: I only have had


I only have had good luck with my PSU's and since they are lifetime I save the box and receipt.

The pc comes with a 650 psu but I don't think it's a standard one, this is an off lease business machine and the psu is behind a long narrow box at the bottom of the pc that I haven't opened yet.

The one other thing I have to do yet is add more memory, it only comes with 8gb by the specs say it has 8 slots and I have 2 4gb ddr-3 unused memory chips I will put in. That should make it run a bit better when crunching on all those cores.

Over the years I too have had more than one or two psu's die on me, and have never sent one back successfully! Even the 'lifetime' warranty folks have told me running it 24/7 is not how they designed it to run and it's my fault it died! Maybe I got a lousy tech, maybe I was jut unlucky, but now I buy psu's on sale, with little to no regard for brand, with the expectation of replacing them one day. I also buy only 750 or 850 watt ones, that gives me plenty of overhead so the psu isn't running at full output power all the time. And yes each machine has it's own psu.

I get the *ULTRA X3 and X4* PSU's and it was always on sale (they say that it is anyway) but I got those pretty much cheaper than any other parts.

The 850 watt is the most (they are those *Bronze rated PSU's)

I registered mine right away and I had to return a few of them and they did it every time......but then I never mentioned they are Boinc Crunchers

And as I mentioned you can use these PSU's to run one entire box and also use it to run the video card in one next to it that just uses the stock 300 watt PSU for the MB and gets the card power from the other pc's PSU

So I have 4 of those PSU's that could run the GeForce cards in 8 seperate pc's

I was using 2 to run 4 for quite a while but I had one 650Ti in a cheap-o pc that died from a HD problem and after trying several times to install a new one and find the drivers it still kept crashing so I just gave up on it and put it in my stash parts collection.

So I have these 6 running but if one of those dies on me I will build a new one the same way I always a cheap one with a good CPU an MB and add the rest.

I am supposed to get a couple 8GB ram stick tomorrow but I think they screwed up the shipping so I either sit in my car down the road where the mailboxes are since I don't have a mail box or wait for them to tell me it was returned by our local USPS goofball.

It was supposed to be delivered via UPS

I HATE it when UPS hands it off to the local USPS for delivery, they save money but it takes MUCH longer to get the product. My old UPS driver told me UPS charges x amount for shipping and then puts it on the plane with everything else, then pays the USPS a tiny fraction of that x amount for the USPS to go the final few miles. Both make money but we the customer lose out waiting for our product. On the UPS website it should said 'handed off for local delivery' or something like that, that means the USPS is bringing it to your mailbox. My personal experience has been that about 7 days after the USPS gets it that I get it, I guess it's treated like a magazine, someday is okay.

David S
David S
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RE: I HATE it when UPS

I HATE it when UPS hands it off to the local USPS for delivery, they save money but it takes MUCH longer to get the product. My old UPS driver told me UPS charges x amount for shipping and then puts it on the plane with everything else, then pays the USPS a tiny fraction of that x amount for the USPS to go the final few miles. Both make money but we the customer lose out waiting for our product. On the UPS website it should said 'handed off for local delivery' or something like that, that means the USPS is bringing it to your mailbox. My personal experience has been that about 7 days after the USPS gets it that I get it, I guess it's treated like a magazine, someday is okay.

They're never that slow for me.

Perhaps the difference is that I live in a city of ~150,000.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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RE: I HATE it when UPS


I HATE it when UPS hands it off to the local USPS for delivery, they save money but it takes MUCH longer to get the product. My old UPS driver told me UPS charges x amount for shipping and then puts it on the plane with everything else, then pays the USPS a tiny fraction of that x amount for the USPS to go the final few miles. Both make money but we the customer lose out waiting for our product. On the UPS website it should said 'handed off for local delivery' or something like that, that means the USPS is bringing it to your mailbox. My personal experience has been that about 7 days after the USPS gets it that I get it, I guess it's treated like a magazine, someday is okay.

Well I got up early this morning (early for me anyway) and got on the tracking since last night it said it was in Seattle but this morning it already said it was being returned and it said I had moved and no longer live here!!

Well I have lived on this same 5 acres since 1984 so that address never changed and never will and I have had the same post office box since 1979 and that also will never change.

So I called the post office that was on the tracker......and has NEVER been my post them the mile long tracking number and after she fixed her screw-up she then said it was there and I went to pick it up.

They hand me the box and on it is my home address so I asked why was at at THAT post office since that post office is for another town NOT the one I live in.

The clown tells me I don't have a mail box and then I told him I did (I nailed the damn thing back up just for this) and I told him I DO have a mail box so then he said I would have to fill out some papers so in the future they will deliver there instead of pretend like I have moved.

Now where I live there are not more than 100 people within a few miles of me either direction and from here to the post office on that 20 mile round trip is maybe a farm every mile of fields along the hiway......from my house I don't even see any neighbors and down the valley we have buffalo's and cows.

As long as UPS delivers to my house I never have a problem but if they involve the USPS it never works here.

So on the way home I took the hammer to that mail box and brought it back home for good since I don't want things I pay for to be sitting in a mail box 3000 feet from my house so some crook can steal it.

But in about 1 minute I just plugged in 8GB ram in one of my pc's that only had 6 GB so that should help since it also runs Cern tasks that need extra memory and the other 8GB will probably go in my Win8.1 box that only has 10GB so 18GB should even make that slow machine work better.

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RE: RE: I HATE it when

I HATE it when UPS hands it off to the local USPS for delivery, they save money but it takes MUCH longer to get the product. My old UPS driver told me UPS charges x amount for shipping and then puts it on the plane with everything else, then pays the USPS a tiny fraction of that x amount for the USPS to go the final few miles. Both make money but we the customer lose out waiting for our product. On the UPS website it should said 'handed off for local delivery' or something like that, that means the USPS is bringing it to your mailbox. My personal experience has been that about 7 days after the USPS gets it that I get it, I guess it's treated like a magazine, someday is okay.

They're never that slow for me.

Perhaps the difference is that I live in a city of ~150,000.

I live in a 'neighborhood' of 3500 homes with a 110 acre man-made lake at the center of it. I am about 25 miles South of Washington DC and the post office that serves me is about 10 minutes away, but serves well over 300k people. The key could be that I am on a 'rural route', meaning I have a mailbox on the curb that the mailman must have drive-up access too or I get no mail.

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