Milestones VI

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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RE: 100 mil and

100 mil and counting.

Not bad at all robl considering that was in just a bit more than 2 years here

Especially this mean machine


RE: RE: 100 mil and

100 mil and counting.

Not bad at all robl considering that was in just a bit more than 2 years here

Especially this mean machine


Thanks. Yes I am very pleased with machine 10507619 and the performance of the AMD Pitcairn GPU.

David S
David S
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FINALLY hit 10 million.

FINALLY hit 10 million. (Seti's latest problems helped a bit by getting me to activate Einstein on my old phone.)


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

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RE: FINALLY hit 10 million.

FINALLY hit 10 million. (Seti's latest problems helped a bit by getting me to activate Einstein on my old phone.)

Congrats on 10 Million David !


MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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*150 million* My 660Ti

*150 million*

My 660Ti SC decided to misbehave last night so I sort of cleaned the dust out but might actually have to turn it off for a few minutes so I can pull out the beast and remove the cover and check for more dust.......and for some reason it doesn't like PrecisionX so the fan settings never work right and it has been reinstalled a couple times.

It has the 3 year warranty but they usually come up with an excuse so I won't be trying that.

Fans,heat,and dust seem to hang out with each other


RE: *150


*150 million*

Fans,heat,and dust seem to hang out with each other

congrats on the 150. Last week I started getting regular audible alarms on a 650 TI. Nothing changed. GPU temp was higher then normal but all fans were operating. Upon closer look there was a blanket of lint over the intake screening. Too much heat buildup in the case. Did some cleanup (all components) and all is happy again. Hmm!, maybe there is more to spring cleaning then I thought.

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RE: *150

*150 million*


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RE: *150 million* My


*150 million*

My 660Ti SC decided to misbehave last night ...

Believe me or not - my Msi 660Ti has passed to the computer heaven too.
However it was very spectacular - flame, smoke and a little crater as a result.
Yes, 3 years of warranty but verdict was - "Wrong using".
So my advice - don't ever bother with greedy companies they will always find excuse not to replace it.
It was a bit offensively - to call crunching as "wrong using":)

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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Thanks and I will never catch

Thanks and I will never catch up to you Jeroen!!

Yeah robl I probably better start cleaning up the 5 desktops I have since I run them all with the side panels off and a large fan in the window blowing the cool air over them and it has been a while.

The only extra problem is I use the same PSU to run video card in pc's sitting next to each other so I have to shut down 2 at a time and then unplug the card and remove the covers and vacuum them out and put them back together.

Only one runs by itself from the its own PSU

Sometimes others run the MB off the stock PSU and then I run the power cords over to a PSU next to it for the video card ( a 750watt and 850watt PSU's)

So since I have 4 of those PSU's (sitting on top of the box) I can run 8 different desktops with GeForce cards without having 8 PSU upgrades.

Yes Sid I found that out about sending in one of my 650Ti's to evga when it had problems from the start......they sent it back and blamed me because I had a small dab of silicone calk on one corner since the card installs at the bottom of the box since that is where the slot is just so the card doesn't touch the metal box.

Which of course was just their way to get out of replacing it.

So I just had them send it back and told the crooks I would fix it myself.......and I did......and it has been running for about 2 years 24/7 since.........and I have another card that I installed the same way since the MB slots are at the bottom.......and of course that dab of silicone didn't hurt those cards at all.

I have a 550Ti,650Ti,and a 560Ti plugged in that way.

(and my laptop I am on right now as it runs 3 LHC,2 Atlas,2vLHC,1 CMS,and 1 Einstein GPU )

That pc on the far right you can sort of see at the bottom of the box is the 560Ti that had a couple cracks on the cover so it wouldn't stay in place and the fans all stopped working and since I hate to wait for new parts to be ordered and shipped to me you can see I just took a small AC fan I had in my stash and have it laying face down on that 560Ti so it has been running non-stop since I got that card from a good Einstein cruncher friend here.

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I just added this to my

I just added this to my collection of pc's

For $325 bucks I got 16 cpu cores now crunching and a 1tb hd, a dvd drive and a Win7 Pro license included. Win7 is partially installed on the hd, all you have to do is finish the installation, much like buying a brand new pc. I can barely get a 6 core AMD cpu, mb and memory for that price, let alone the Win7 Pro legal copy.

It is heavy but is all assembled and ready to go right out of the box. It is the semi standard pc box height of about 17 1/2" tall.

A tip if you choose to get one, enable the HT in the bios before you finish installing Windows, it is a pain in the neck to get Windows to see all of them afterwards.

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