Seti Refuge Bar & Bistro Wing of Cafe Einstein

Dr Bacon (Ship My Plants Department)
Dr Bacon (Ship ...
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Oh man, i missed the unedited

Oh man, i missed the unedited mad max version :(

Annie minion :)



Einstein@Home Verified Contributor (I think?) 

David S
David S
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RE: Let me hit this block


Let me hit this block on your chest with the
back of an axe, what could go wrong?


Pshaw. We used to have a teacher who did that. I was just converting some old tapes of his appearances on Letterman to DVD; this also included him doing it to a reporter from the local Fox station. I would point out to the commenter who said something about the student's face that he is wearing a face shield. Our teacher would, however, open a textbook and place it face down on the student's crotch, to protect future generations.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

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RE: Let me hit this block


Let me hit this block on your chest with the
back of an axe, what could go wrong?



David S
David S
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RE: How are you a-...

How are you a-... oooooooooooooooooooooooh.... that does look sore, David. Have you tried shoving it in a roomy box? Your hand I mean, and taping that securely to the nearest wrist? Not your hand obviously because that would already be attached, but the box it's in. It might require some assistance from a qualified medical professional or you could end up quite tangled in the tape... but it would save it getting knocked about, and give it some undisturbed healing time. The alternative would be to keep your finger extended at all times, you know... so it's out of harm's way :)

It's feeling somewhat better. I've been letting it stay out in the air since it became apparent it was no longer an open wound that was likely to get infected by almost anything (including wet bandages of course, which then needed to be replaced with dry bandages, which lasted until the next time I had to pee, when they would get wet again when I washed the rest of the fingers on that hand). For the last few days, I've been saying it feels like a finger does a few days after you smashed it with a hammer or a door or something. It has now reached the point where I can write and type with it, but it's still a bit sensitive. I am also highly afraid of either hitting it or catching the remainder of the nail on something and ripping it off. Perhaps I'll post a new pic of it later.

Your podiatric predicament sounds even more painful; at least I had the advantage of the finger already being medicated when it was assaulted (although the medicating itself hurt like a ... well, whatever you think it probably hurt like, having a needle poked into it several times around its base, including in the web between it and the next one).


*subtly switch focus back to anniet* Thought I'd pop in here (before visiting seti, less catching up to do) and use up my RAC before it disappears... so I can tell you all how very much I've missed you all *demonstrate how much with face*

I will be attempting to inflate it to something more robust though, my RAC people, not my face - yes :) but the depravity the computer is intent on indulging in, and the fact I sooooooooooo don't want to kill another machine in my charge and get permanently cut off mid-sentence (and/or never get to read any of my PM's let alone reply to them) *pause to admire length of sentence already* I'm not going to do so now. Okay?

You could set Boinc to only run for a short time per day, just enough to generate enough RAC to post with.

Oh... and on a technical note... am I supposed to open a new thread once this one reaches 500? Because I didn't.

My version of what Chris said: now that Einstein has upgraded to the current version of the Boinc web interface, with its ability to paginate the threads, I see no reason to.



Is so nice to be back!!!!!!!!!!! :)

It is so nice to have you back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

David S
David S
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Okay, just because nobody but

Okay, just because nobody but Annie asked for it, here is a fresh picture of my finger. I'll see about posting it at Seti later.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Richard Haselgrove
Richard Haselgrove
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RE: I try not to spend too

I try not to spend too much time thinking about the justice of a council bin collection late in the day on the 6th of January, leaving me with a gaping hole in my perimeter fencing so a drunk can stagger through it and urinate in my pond in the early hours of the 7th of January (thus galvanising me into effecting an immediate blockade inspirationally topped off with a good idea to secure its steadfastness with a bag of solidified cement) as being why I should be the one attached to the end of a six foot plank by a 9 inch barbed shank nail that not only goes into a foot that was quietly minding its own business in its trainer, but also comes out the other side.

I've just been watching Mary Beard's new TV series on "Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit". She described exactly that implement - as a Roman land mine! (except in their case, it was a sandal rather than a trainer).

So, you get a lot of ancient Romans round your way?

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Dang, David, that looks

Dang, David, that looks nasty.

Is that a fungal infection?

Gary Charpentier
Gary Charpentier
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looks better

looks better

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RE: I've just been watching


I've just been watching Mary Beard's new TV series on "Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit". She described exactly that implement - as a Roman land mine! (except in their case, it was a sandal rather than a trainer).

So, you get a lot of ancient Romans round your way?

:) Well we are fortunate that the Romans did build a road in the vicinity, Richard, which meant subsequent road builders had a way of working out how to build quite a few straight ones... Not everywhere in London was that fortunate though *wrinkle brow sympathetically*

Certainly as a weapon of unexpected incapacitation I can recommend even the more modern version of the Roman landmine. Yeeees.


*gather round David's nail with Gary and Zalster*
It is looking a lot better, isn't it. I knew that extending it outwards idea would work.


Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.

David S
David S
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RE: Dang, David, that looks


Dang, David, that looks nasty.

Is that a fungal infection?

I got a message last week that the results of my biopsy came in. I checked the automated result and it said "there is no component result." So I sent a message to the doctor asking what the hell that meant and her nurse replied yesterday and you just reminded me to read the reply. It says:

"The fungal scraping and culture from your right index fingernail are negative to date. However the lab keeps the specimen for total of 4 weeks and checks it weekly. If there is growth of fungus, we will let you know.
The biopsy showed a warty like change so changes may have started from a wart. We are hoping the nail will grow out fairly normally. If not we will continue to investigate."

This may be it. On my first visit, she froze a wart on another finger, and I have had them on the index finger in the past.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

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