Seti Refuge Bar & Bistro Wing of Cafe Einstein

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
Joined: 1 Dec 05
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RE: RE: and

and congratulating school children.

We only do that if at age 16 they can sign their name on a dole check in joined up writing :-))

Well, I nearly wrote "congratulating school children for being clever" but luckily pulled back from that brink of blatantly inappropriate social bias. Close call or what ?

It's really amazing how much of a damn the American public gives about royals we got rid of 240 years ago

Could be just boredom with your lot. Possibly a yearning for validation from the blessed sceptre of divine familial heraldry ? I'm sure you have forelocks that need tugging toward someone. We currently cringe in the direction of extremely well paid footballers, but they alas have turned out to not be as pure as first thought. Multiple incidents of injectable substances, that sort of thing. Darn. I'll have to take up quilting now instead.

.... make it £10,000 to keep them out !!

You blackmailing brigands ! Stand and deliver eh ? Such threats. It'll be the comfy chair next ...

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
Joined: 1 Dec 05
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Enough of this highbrow talk.

Enough of this highbrow talk. Speaking of constitution, we can't neglect the mortal frame. You'll never guess what I found in the back fridge :

... t'is strawberry and rhubarb pie M'lud. First in, best dressed .... :-)

Cheeeeeeeeeeeeers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
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RE: Doesn't anyone think

Doesn't anyone think they might prefer him to keep it longer so they can raise their family in relative peace? Or would the public and media actually give them more peace at the top than one step down?

I will comment upon this with hopefully Mikes approval as it is bordering a little bit on Politics, which I know he doesn't want here.

HM the Queen will be 90 this year. She seems in good health and should with modern medical care make 100. However the Duke of Edinburgh will be 95 this year and is not in so good health. If she loses the Duke, will she want to carry on? She may do so for a while then hand over, although she is on record as saying that she would never abdicate.

Prince Charles will be 68 this year, he could be 75 before he gets the throne at the earliest. Say he does 5 years max that means William could get it in 2028 at age 46. William's children are currently 2 years and 8 months. in 2028 they would be 14 and 12. Plenty of time to have raised them in peace, and old enough then to accept their parents going on world tours.

(It's really amazing how much of a damn the American public gives about royals we got rid of 240 years ago.)

Ah now, again with Mikes permission. A significant proportion of people posting to internet bulletin boards are left wing anti establishment types. Of course they are anti the Royals. But that is not representative of the general population. HM the Queen is actually more respected than the American President!

Darn. I'll have to take up quilting now instead.

Most people think David Beckham has :-))

You'll never guess what I found in the back fridge :

Was that the back fridge or the back OF the fridge. Enquiring minds wish to know!

Tootle Pip!

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

David S
David S
Joined: 6 Dec 05
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RE: RE: It's really

It's really amazing how much of a damn the American public gives about royals we got rid of 240 years ago

Could be just boredom with your lot. Possibly a yearning for validation from the blessed sceptre of divine familial heraldry ? I'm sure you have forelocks that need tugging toward someone. We currently cringe in the direction of extremely well paid footballers, but they alas have turned out to not be as pure as first thought. Multiple incidents of injectable substances, that sort of thing. Darn. I'll have to take up quilting now instead.

We have the same problem with our professional athletes, and leagues that are only starting to get a grip on whether and how much to be outraged about it.

I only enjoy one sport, and only one team. I'd rather see them finally win on skill, not pharmaceuticals, but more than that I don't want to see scandal come with the winning.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

David S
David S
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RE: Enough of this highbrow


Enough of this highbrow talk. Speaking of constitution, we can't neglect the mortal frame. You'll never guess what I found in the back fridge :

... t'is strawberry and rhubarb pie M'lud. First in, best dressed .... :-)

Cheeeeeeeeeeeeers, Mike.

Ooooooh, that looks good. Cut out a nice hunk of it... and give me the rest of it. Nuke it and put some ice cream on top.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

David S
David S
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RE: RE: Doesn't anyone

Doesn't anyone think they might prefer him to keep it longer so they can raise their family in relative peace? Or would the public and media actually give them more peace at the top than one step down?

I will comment upon this with hopefully Mikes approval as it is bordering a little bit on Politics, which I know he doesn't want here.

HM the Queen will be 90 this year. She seems in good health and should with modern medical care make 100. However the Duke of Edinburgh will be 95 this year and is not in so good health. If she loses the Duke, will she want to carry on? She may do so for a while then hand over, although she is on record as saying that she would never abdicate.

Prince Charles will be 68 this year, he could be 75 before he gets the throne at the earliest. Say he does 5 years max that means William could get it in 2028 at age 46. William's children are currently 2 years and 8 months. in 2028 they would be 14 and 12. Plenty of time to have raised them in peace, and old enough then to accept their parents going on world tours.

And if they have any more?

(It's really amazing how much of a damn the American public gives about royals we got rid of 240 years ago.)

Ah now, again with Mikes permission. A significant proportion of people posting to internet bulletin boards are left wing anti establishment types. Of course they are anti the Royals. But that is not representative of the general population. HM the Queen is actually more respected than the American President!

I was referring to their celebrity, not political outrage over them.

Darn. I'll have to take up quilting now instead.

Most people think David Beckham has :-))

I wouldn't know about that.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Chris S
Chris S
Joined: 27 Aug 05
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RE: And if they have any

And if they have any more?

Well David, that is very much a personal matter for them. If they did have another one I would imagine it would be fairly soon, making the 3rd child maybe 10 years old at the Accession. I feel pretty sure that the Duke of Cambridge as future king and an astute judge, has taken a fairly good guess as to when he might take over, and planned his family accordingly. Well at least as far as mother nature allows one to.

I was referring to their celebrity, not political outrage over them.

Most Americans love the British Royal family in their millions, it's just that on Boinc boards and forums you won't see that view. And we know why. The day that Wills becomes King and he and Queen Kate make a state visit to the USA, the American people will go totally bananas over them. I doubt I'll live to see it, but you guys will enjoy it :-)

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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I can't speak for all of

I can't speak for all of Americans, but I can say most of the interest is in the NE section of the country and probably the West coast.

For those of us in the middle and south, they are more of a passing interesting.

They will certainly get the respect they deserve when they come to visit (it would be rude to do otherwise)

However, since most of the ancestry in this part of the country comes from other nations of the world or even from this landmass ( I include my family in this) I would have to wonder how many really are die hard fans (then for that matter, can most of them even find England on a map?) We have a real problem with them even knowing what continent we are on let alone know where other countries are...

What were we talking about??... Oh look...PIE!!!

David S
David S
Joined: 6 Dec 05
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RE: I can't speak for all


I can't speak for all of Americans, but I can say most of the interest is in the NE section of the country and probably the West coast.

For those of us in the middle and south, they are more of a passing interesting.

They will certainly get the respect they deserve when they come to visit (it would be rude to do otherwise)

However, since most of the ancestry in this part of the country comes from other nations of the world or even from this landmass ( I include my family in this) I would have to wonder how many really are die hard fans (then for that matter, can most of them even find England on a map?) We have a real problem with them even knowing what continent we are on let alone know where other countries are...

I am 1/4 English, and like to (am conceited enough to) believe that there is a good chance that I have some very distant relationship to them. Nevertheless, I am fully aware that they are not MY royal family.

There is a well known story in Chicago that when the king (I think Liz's father, but not sure) came to visit, the mayor introduced him to his inner political circle thus: "Boys, dis is da king. King, dese are da boys."

What were we talking about??... Oh look...PIE!!!

Pie? Where??? Oh yeah, Mike's fridge and/or my microwave.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
Joined: 1 Dec 05
Posts: 6568
Credit: 292909932
RAC: 94257

Well we are all distantly

Well we are all distantly related for a given definition of 'distant'. Now I saw this program on the weekend which proposed that sapiens didn't wipe out or out compete neanderthalensis, but merged. We are they and they are we.

{ Now I won't claim heritage from King Thug of the DumbSkulls but I hear he had an advisor PieThag. PieThag in the grunting syllables of the day means "one weird guy who demonstrates right angles using sticks, to anyone that will watch". They had a very expressive language. PieThag had many children before he passed on and I reckon I am descended from him. He died of not paying enough attention during a mammoth hunt. In death though he answered the question many of his contemporaries were heretofore ignorant of : exactly how long is the human frame after compression along the antero-posterior axis due to a large force ? }

Now the pie came from The Back Fridge. It's where I keep all the good stuff. Random hoi-polloi get whatever is in the display cabinet that all can see. The pie was made by my Aunt Ethel*, who was crowned Queen of The Yarra Glen Horticultural Show** in 1966. So there is definitely royalty in my family.

Cheers, Mike.

* Her male confidants of the day used to call her Ethanol Ethel. But out of proper respect for my forebears I'll leave that topic be.

( edit ) Oh yes, the ice cream :

... if you can't find the flavor you want in there, then I can't help you! :-)

** To be exact this has been organised by The Yarra Glen Agricultural and Horticultural Society since 1901.

.... now I would have called them Frisians.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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