LPTP Thread #6 - - and away we go!


RE: Is it a PWM fan? I'm

Is it a PWM fan? I'm not sure but I think PWM fans you can read the RPM, so should be able to set an alarm for zero RPM.

Yes it is a PWM fan. The issue is that if I enter the BIOS for the ASUS MB all of the data is there. You would think that there would be a way to query the BIOS and extract this data.

If your run sensors-detect and answer "YES" to each question it might find what it needs to extract this data. I have one Linux Box the gives the following in response to a "sensors" command:

Adapter: ACPI interface
Vcore Voltage: +1.26 V (min = +0.80 V, max = +1.60 V)
+3.3 Voltage: +3.26 V (min = +2.97 V, max = +3.63 V)
+5 Voltage: +5.17 V (min = +4.50 V, max = +5.50 V)
+12 Voltage: +12.14 V (min = +10.20 V, max = +13.80 V)
CPU FAN Speed: 2636 RPM (min = 600 RPM)
CHASSIS1 FAN Speed: 0 RPM (min = 600 RPM)
CHASSIS2 FAN Speed: 0 RPM (min = 600 RPM)
CHASSIS3 FAN Speed: 0 RPM (min = 600 RPM)
POWER FAN Speed: 0 RPM (min = 0 RPM)
CPU Temperature: +73.0°C (high = +60.0°C, crit = +75.0°C)
MB Temperature: +33.0°C (high = +45.0°C, crit = +75.0°C)

everything I want. But other Linux's boxes running the same distro but with different MBs give the following:

Adapter: Virtual device
temp1: +27.8°C (crit = +105.0°C)
temp2: +29.8°C (crit = +105.0°C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
Physical id 0: +81.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 0: +80.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 1: +81.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 2: +79.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 3: +73.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)

It seems that the response to the "sensors" command is based upon the MB in use and the BIOS. I have looked at the BIOS on the first machine and don't see anything "enabled" that would produce the same output on the other machines. This seems to be a recurring issue on Linux. I'll keep looking.


Food for thought.

Edit: Found a link that describes fan control that has links at bottom about software for various mobo makers. Here

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Just typing out

Just typing out loud...

What if you ran the mobo windows software under Wine on Linux?


I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

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Awww Come On - That was WAY

Awww Come On - That was WAY too easy ....
(for Mike anyway : )




Good job Mike! You win an extra million worthless points.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: My dad likes to tell

My dad likes to tell the story of when he was a kid his dad gave him a math book that had PI to the 10th decimal point, my dad used that in his homework and in class, and always got his answers marked wrong because the teacher was only using 3 decimal places. It created just slightly wrong answers, not WRONG, but wrong enough to not be what she considered to be right! When they called my dads parents in for a meeting his dad explained the book and my dad stopped using it. But he still has the book tucked away, he pulls it out for his story.

!! WARNING, WARNING !! OLD FOGIE ANECDOTE ALERT : Yep, I used a 4 figure log table book in junior high, but "graduated" to 7 figure tables as a senior. For the examinations we were all distributed a copy of specific tables for logs, anti-logs, all the trigs & inverse trigs etc. These were pre personal calculator days. I remember first year science at Melb. Uni. 1978, the HP 29C : it was programmable to about 50 steps in a sort of mini pseudocode. The apex of that was a kinematic simulation of landing the Lunar Module ( you had to imagine a lot back then ). Plus all the fun of using digital panel numerals upside-down as words like : 77342 618 ( 'big shell' ) etc.

So while the other guys were out getting the young ladies in the family way, we nerds just cut up the digital landscape. We were way ahead of the pack when the IBM PC turned up. Geeks rule !! :-)

Cheers, Mike.

[ ..... settle down Mike, have a Bonox and a nice afternoon nap. Yes, those were the days alright. But now it's quiet time until dinner. Here's a pillow and your favorite copy of 2001: A Space Odyssey to cuddle ..... ]

( edit ) Ah yes. That was in the glory daze of Binary Coded Decimal. The trick is in the carries .....

( edit ) 806378806 = 'gobblegob'

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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Goodnight everyone. :-)

Goodnight everyone. :-)

Have TARDIS, will travel...
Come along K-9!
Join SETI Refugees

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Apropos of not alot : the

Apropos of not alot : the latest and greatest faulty methodology in primary medical practice is called 'Evidence Based Medicine'. An odd moniker which implies that no clinicians have been bothering with the real world up until recently. But like all good scams it relies upon the right wording in the heading to get the high ground for the inevitable later debate ( eg. so that the phrase 'evidence denier' may be later used to label dissenters, a nice Orwellian anticipatory plant ).

Paradoxically EBM does not examine evidence and so has become an oxymoron. In the instance of specifying assessment & treatment algorithms for certain clinical scenarios the process which emits these is as follows :

- generate a network of academia based advisers.

- poll said network on various questions of practical clinical significance.

- after much to & fro consultation and debate within this intellectual population produce summary 'consensus' documents.

- the 'evidence' referred to by such joint opinions is in fact the opinions expressed in the feeder documents from which the summary document was generated. That has the natural bonus of assuming what you want to prove straight off the bat.

- no further referencing occurs beyond the advisory documents eg. quotation of actual clinical studies upon sick people with regard to treatment and other options.

- so the base opinions are generated by various Professor Bob's and are correct purely by fiat ie. because it is a Professor Bob saying so.

The false constructs here are :

- the assumption that any of the Prof Bob's know anything whatsoever of clinical interest;

- that the collection of Prof Bob's is a complete set ie. no other sources are required;

- that a melding of concepts will be superior to the ingredients;

- and that testing has occurred, including testing of the process that involves generating opinions from Prof Bob's.

This has culminated locally in a $15+ million AUD grant to Latrobe University here in Melbourne, by the Swisse Wellness company. Purportedly for the research into the yada yada of complementary medicines eg. '... to working with them on new global best practice and consistency for our industry'.

Yeah. So there would be precisely no conflict of interest here, right ? Naturally a bunch of high profile sportsmen and sportswomen and media personalities, co-incidentally paid to represent Swisse, will have superior out-of-domain knowledge.

As a classic attempt at corruption hidden in plain sight they have really tried their arm for a good throw here, but the really despairing bit IMHO is that the punters/sheeple will not see a problem.

Cheers, Mike.

( edit ) There is also known in advertising the Motherhood & Apple Pie Ploy, a reliable revenue engine over many generations. Not only is 'one born every minute' but in fact 'thousands are born every minute'. It works because of the base human default behaviour is to believe what feels right despite the evidence of one's eyes or ears. This has been known to enable related high folly eg. WWI's 'let not the boys die in vain' recruiting technique which would have worked perfectly if not for the defenders failing to run out of machine gun bullets.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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RE: Goodnight everyone.

Goodnight everyone. :-)

Good morning!!

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Good Morning ! Well Mike,

Good Morning !

Well Mike, that sounds just wonderful. Here in the US of course, we have the 'Top Notch' Øbamacare. It's free (I think) you just sign up, and you are covered by the Government from "Womb to Tomb!"

Heck, I may be a Doctor soon! Way back in the Boy Scouts I obtained my First Aid merit badge. I'm pretty sure that qualifies me as a physician under the new Øbamacare system.

All of the Real Doctors are seriously thinking about early retirement or just quitting altogether rather than having to deal with this bureaucratic nightmare.

Oh Yes, and the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) will make sure to safeguard all of our medical records !

What could possibly go wrong?



Apropos of not alot : the latest and greatest faulty methodology in primary medical practice is called 'Evidence Based Medicine'. An odd moniker which implies that no clinicians have been bothering with the real world up until recently. But like all good scams it relies upon the right wording in the heading to get the high ground for the inevitable later debate ( eg. so that the phrase 'evidence denier' may be later used to label dissenters, a nice Orwellian anticipatory plant ).

Paradoxically EBM does not examine evidence and so has become an oxymoron. In the instance of specifying assessment & treatment algorithms for certain clinical scenarios the process which emits these is as follows :

- generate a network of academia based advisers.

- poll said network on various questions of practical clinical significance.

- after much to & fro consultation and debate within this intellectual population produce summary 'consensus' documents.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: All of the Real Doctors

All of the Real Doctors are seriously thinking about early retirement or just quitting altogether rather than having to deal with this bureaucratic nightmare.

Already happened here ...

Well to be fair to Swisse, they are just taking up the same commercial methodology that Traditional Big Pharma have used to garnish suitable opinion for some decades. Swisse, being a new player at this game, is just dumb enough to have tried it as an open bulk buy. Epic Fail. TBP's usual method was to buy piecemeal and spread the bets across academia, then selectively pluck at harvest time. But that was being tripped up at University admin level ( scientific fraud etc ) hence Swisse is now cutting the admins a slice too.

I'm aware that I may sound like some hash-smoking conspiracy theorist ( may the heavens bless them ! ), but this dysjunction of scientific method drills right down to real life as adverse or useless effects upon sick people. When you are desperate and frail you will throw over any money you can lay your hands on, right ? Pay or Die.

Cheers, Mike.

[ .... is that a black helicopter I see out the window ... ]

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Joined: 8 Jun 14
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The End approaches! Repent!

The End approaches! Repent! All Ye Sinners!!!!!

Or just grab a beer and sit back to watch the show, because your soul is safe in the hands of Obamascare...


I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

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