Main page items

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Topic 196697

A link to a page with an overview of current and past e@h-Apps, where is explained where the data came from (LIGO, Arecibo, Fermi-LAT) and their purposes, would be nice.
It could contain also an list of all results of the past searches with links to the papers.
I think it would be a good guidance for new users.

This could replace the IMO a little unstructured paragraph "Science information and progress reports".

Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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Main page items


A link to a page with an overview of current and past e@h-Apps, where is explained where the data came from (LIGO, Arecibo, Fermi-LAT) and their purposes, would be nice.
It could contain also an list of all results of the past searches with links to the papers.
I think it would be a good guidance for new users.

This could replace the IMO a little unstructured paragraph "Science information and progress reports".

Hmmm...sounds like a nice idea to me. A chronological timeline with all the experiments we have run so far, along with some milestones (public events etc)...that would be great IMHO.


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*BUMP* :)

*BUMP* :)

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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I do like the idea, but I

I do like the idea, but I don't think we have time for maintaining a separate page. However when I find a few spare minutes I'll set up a (locked) thread in the science forum where I collect links to announcements in other forum posts, ordered by the different searches. This thread could then also be linked from the front page.

How about that?



Joined: 8 Mar 05
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Sounds good, just keep it

Sounds good, just keep it simple.
There are x sources of data, y spectra of those, analyzed by z applications.
And all these split into GW searches and RF searches.
I'd find this a bit confusing if I weren't into all this.

I'd prefer something like (fictional data):

3/3/2005 - 3/3/2007 $Program_Name, GW search from GEO600, Frequency range, Results Paper
4/5/2006 - 9/8/2007 $Program_Name, Pulsar search from Arecibo, Frequency range, Results Paper


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