A link to a page with an overview of current and past e@h-Apps, where is explained where the data came from (LIGO, Arecibo, Fermi-LAT) and their purposes, would be nice.
It could contain also an list of all results of the past searches with links to the papers.
I think it would be a good guidance for new users.
This could replace the IMO a little unstructured paragraph "Science information and progress reports".
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Hmmm...sounds like a nice idea to me. A chronological timeline with all the experiments we have run so far, along with some milestones (public events etc)...that would be great IMHO.
*BUMP* :)
*BUMP* :)
I do like the idea, but I
I do like the idea, but I don't think we have time for maintaining a separate page. However when I find a few spare minutes I'll set up a (locked) thread in the science forum where I collect links to announcements in other forum posts, ordered by the different searches. This thread could then also be linked from the front page.
How about that?
Sounds good, just keep it
Sounds good, just keep it simple.
There are x sources of data, y spectra of those, analyzed by z applications.
And all these split into GW searches and RF searches.
I'd find this a bit confusing if I weren't into all this.
I'd prefer something like (fictional data):
3/3/2005 - 3/3/2007 $Program_Name, GW search from GEO600, Frequency range, Results Paper
4/5/2006 - 9/8/2007 $Program_Name, Pulsar search from Arecibo, Frequency range, Results Paper