TLPTP #50 what shall we talk about?

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Topic 216380

For you newbies, here are the rules:
1. To participate in the game, you must post to the prescribed thread.
2. A post must consist of at least one word.
3. A participant may not have two or more consecutive posts in the thread.
4. The winner of an episode is responsible for organizing the next episode and for choosing the winner of that episode.
5. The winner may be chosen on the basis of the date/time of the post, the number of the post in the thread (50th post; 31415th post; ...), the presence/absence of a particular word/phrase in the post, or any other reason selected by the organizer of the episode. However, the organizer of an episode is prohibited from winning that particular episode.
6. Have fun!

And having said all of this and with a flare of trumpets we are off (????)

Gary Charpentier
Gary Charpentier
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Congrats.  Hope the winning

Hope the winning event isn't being inside the eye of a cyclone, but we will see what Kavanagh comes up with.


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Gary Charpentier wrote:Hope

Gary Charpentier wrote:
Hope the winning event isn't being inside the eye of a cyclone, but we will see what Kavanagh comes up with. 

Nope that's not what I chose for this game.

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In days of old when knights

In days of old when knights were bold ......


Gary Charpentier
Gary Charpentier
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mikey wrote:Gary Charpentier

mikey wrote:
Gary Charpentier wrote:
Hope the winning event isn't being inside the eye of a cyclone, but we will see what Kavanagh comes up with. 

Nope that's not what I chose for this game.

Well Robl did post a reply to Kavanagh saying he was passing the baton on, so how is it you are choosing?  Or were there some PM's no one else has seen?

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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mikey wrote:Gary Charpentier

mikey wrote:
Gary Charpentier wrote:
Hope the winning event isn't being inside the eye of a cyclone, but we will see what Kavanagh comes up with. 

Nope that's not what I chose for this game.

Can I suggest that you have another look at what robl wrote.  He was responding directly to Kavanagh's message.  Robl was joining in with Kavanagh's congratutations and was 'passing the baton' to him.

Sure, he didn't mention any name in the response, but the wording was quite clear.  The use of 'you' and 'your' refer to the person to whom he was responding.

I was hoping that robl might have clarified the matter, but even without that, I suggest you have another look at robl's message and work out for yourself what should happen.



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Rather than wait for Robbo

Rather than wait for Robbo and since we are here anyway, I say let Hurricane Mikey have the win.


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Kavanagh wrote:Rather than

Kavanagh wrote:
Rather than wait for Robbo and since we are here anyway, I say let Hurricane Mikey have the win.

Nope I read it wrong and YOU were the winner of the last game...CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WIN!!! And as of right now you are in charge of this one!!

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Mikey wrote to me:-   I

Mikey wrote to me:-


I am bowing out of running the game and you are now in charge, have fun! I obviously misread the post from robl.

The only other 'right thing to do' is to declare you the winner right now and make you start a new game but since this one is only a couple of days and posts old it's yours.



So why did Douglas Adams choose 42?


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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He was obviously at sixes and

He was obviously at sixes and sevens at the time.



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Gary Roberts wrote:He was

Gary Roberts wrote:

He was obviously at sixes and sevens at the time.


Who's Douglas Adams? Maybe he liked nice round numbers, 2 times 2 is 4 and 2 times 1 is 2.

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