Here's a good news - the estimated time for S5 is stable at last. It stays around 426.4-426.5 days. At least it stopped growing. And when the new apps go official... it will be party time. :))
Only a year to go, again, but this time on the way down rather than the way up.
as of 7:06 PM UTC on Tuesday, 15 August 2006:
424.0 days needed, 365.0 days remaining
so recently we have reduced days remaining at better than a 1day/day rate (finally). Even the days needed which seemed fated to increase without limit has dropped by over 2 days in the last week. Now that 4.24 is standard distribution for Windows, one can hope for something better.
I'm going to test that Beta app aswell, as soon as I get my new comp, which should with a bit of luck happen until next weekend... I hope it's as good as we think it is ;-) so we get all those WUs done a lot faster.
With the release of the 2 beta apps to the mainstream, these numbers should change, dramatically over the next couple of weeks.
Look at the chart, just today:
As I try to understand the cumulative speed-up from our new app, I find this graph very useful. I'd be grateful if you could periodically update it over the coming few weeks.
I'm going to test that Beta app aswell, as soon as I get my new comp, which should with a bit of luck happen until next weekend... I hope it's as good as we think it is ;-) so we get all those WUs done a lot faster.
The beta test is over and 4.24 has been made the standard app
Yeah, thx ;-) I just noticed when I had a look at my client and I must say E@H seems faster to me... down from about 2 hours for a 20-credit-WU to one and a half, so, I can now do four WUs in the time I would normally have needed for three with the old app... very nice work, everyone!!! :-D
Here's a good news - the
Here's a good news - the estimated time for S5 is stable at last. It stays around 426.4-426.5 days. At least it stopped growing. And when the new apps go official... it will be party time. :))
Only a year to go, again, but
Only a year to go, again, but this time on the way down rather than the way up.
as of 7:06 PM UTC on Tuesday, 15 August 2006:
424.0 days needed, 365.0 days remaining
so recently we have reduced days remaining at better than a 1day/day rate (finally). Even the days needed which seemed fated to increase without limit has dropped by over 2 days in the last week. Now that 4.24 is standard distribution for Windows, one can hope for something better.
With the release of the 2
With the release of the 2 beta apps to the mainstream, these numbers should change, dramatically over the next couple of weeks.
Look at the chart, just today:
I'm going to test that Beta
I'm going to test that Beta app aswell, as soon as I get my new comp, which should with a bit of luck happen until next weekend... I hope it's as good as we think it is ;-) so we get all those WUs done a lot faster.
RE: With the release of the
As I try to understand the cumulative speed-up from our new app, I find this graph very useful. I'd be grateful if you could periodically update it over the coming few weeks.
Director, Einstein@Home
RE: I'd be grateful if you
As far as I understand it, this is done automatically once or twice a day.
Bruce, just keep an eye on
Bruce, just keep an eye on this forum, as that is not a static graph. It is updated off your XML files on a regular basis.
RE: Bruce, just keep an eye
Terrific. Could I link to this from the server status page?
Director, Einstein@Home
RE: I'm going to test that
The beta test is over and 4.24 has been made the standard app
98SE XP2500+ @ 2.1 GHz Boinc v5.8.8
Yeah, thx ;-) I just noticed
Yeah, thx ;-) I just noticed when I had a look at my client and I must say E@H seems faster to me... down from about 2 hours for a 20-credit-WU to one and a half, so, I can now do four WUs in the time I would normally have needed for three with the old app... very nice work, everyone!!! :-D