When I click the Update button to fetch new work, I get the following on the Message Tab:
3/22/2006 11:02:33 AM|Einstein@Home|Sending scheduler request to http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/EinsteinAtHome_cgi/cgi
3/22/2006 11:02:33 AM|Einstein@Home|Reason: Requested by user
3/22/2006 11:02:33 AM|Einstein@Home|Note: not requesting new work or reporting results
3/22/2006 11:02:38 AM|Einstein@Home|Scheduler request to http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/EinsteinAtHome_cgi/cgi succeeded
What's wrong?
Copyright © 2025 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
Not fetching new work on demand
You either have still got enough work in your queue, or when you are running multiple projects, please read up on what Debt is in using the Work Scheduler.
That is why your E@H project (or any other project) will not request more work: Boinc is trying to run off the Long Term Debt built up by other projects, giving them priority to your CPU. Until the debts have levelled off, the affected project will not download new work.
You can check your Long Term Debt values with BoincDV (Boinc Debt Viewer, Windows only)
RE: You can check your Long
Is there any way to check up on this without a special utility? I presume it's in one of the XML files--but which one?
A vaguely related question: is it possible to alter a certain file so as to prevent a project from getting work, as can be done through BOINC Manager? Or does that require communication with the project's server?
RE: RE: You can check
client_state.xml, and elements inside elements.
You can do that from command line client, too. Don't have to use BOINC Manager for that.
I suppose editing xml files by hand while boinc_client is running is a bad idea.
RE: client_state.xml, and
What if I don't have a command line client either? (I'm using BOINC Menubar v5.2.13.)
Oh, indeed! I'd be sure to shut BOINC down before attempting anything of the kind.
Which reminds me of yet another question: on my Windows XP system I've installed BOINC as a service. How does one shut that down gracefully? (I do have BOINC Manager on that system, so it's unlikely I'd have to. But suppose I wanted to try out the optimized E@h app; I presume BOINC shouldn't be running while swapping that out--or would it be all right as long as it wasn't actually running E@h at the time?)
RE: Which reminds me of yet
On mine I just exit through the boinc manager, swap apps and then start it up again. Haven't had a problem on any.
edit - on service and single installs/ I used to make a copy of the boinc folder just in case there was a problem, but the last 2 times I didn't bother.
RE: Which reminds me of yet
Make a couple of Windows shortcuts "Run As" to your desktop.
Add %windir%\\system32\\cmd.exe /k net stop boinc to it. That will stop the BOINC client when you want it to.
Additional other commands are:
%windir%\\system32\\cmd.exe /k net start boinc (start BOINC)
%windir%\\system32\\cmd.exe /k net pause boinc (pause BOINC)
%windir%\\system32\\cmd.exe /k net resume boinc (resume BOINC)
Do know, that when you Pause BOINC, then stop it that at the next time your start BOINC with won't unpause (resume) until you say so!
By default Windows will "gracefully" shut down all services anyway.
This should be much more
This should be much more comfortable way - go to Control panels, and select Services. Scroll down to BOINC and hit Stop button :)
RE: On mine I just exit
On this WinXP system I only run BOINC Manager to check up on things; most of the time the boinc.exe service just runs on its own. I've also noticed that my BOINC apps are always shown running in the Processes tab of the Task Manager (only one of them at a time actually using the CPU).
RE: This should be much
I may be looking in the wrong place--I know next to nothing about Windows--but I can't see Services in the Control Panel. The items shown there are: Appearance and Themes; Network and Internet Connections; Add or Remove Programs; Sound, Speech, and Audio Devices; Performance and Maintenance; Printers and Other Hardware; User Accounts; Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options; Accessibility Options; and Security Center.
RE: RE: This should be
Services are listed on a tab under Admistrative Tools. If you're looking at the XP view of Control Panel, check in Performance and Maintenance, follow link to Administrative Tools.
"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK